Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
aONSAXVES AOKerp* oa * 9appi t of tkc T«7 Best Pioneep Soap IaCas«* of 4X, *■> Bi*-> «*rt, THJS 80A.P 19 TEE TbiMt Imported Ee;e. 8PSCLU. PRICES FOR 5 C.\iK* IN LOT9, JSS im i dR Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH WH1SKEY yamtly: BEN ALDOCHLA.\, Ainsley's OLD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,NI0N Extra, Spec ! GLENLIOX SPEC1AL LIOl'EL R SC0TCH WhISkEY. ir-a THE COMMERCIAL 3ALOON Harry KlEMME, Manager Cor. Nuuanu k Beretania sts. Honolulu, H. I. The Only Sportmg Houae in Town, O. I 3 , S. a Specialitv; LOHENOKIN LAGER BKER Always on Dranght. 2 OLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. BeH of Wines, Liquors, » and Ci£ars, > ALWAYS ON HAND. 1 inl tf C1TY DRAYAGE CO. Stand: Queen and Fort Stree f J. White and Black Sand. Draying Done at Reasonable Rates. W. F. 8HARKETT, Ma*ag*B.Jj25. Wanted. TWO Unfarnisbed Houses ol 6to 8 HOOMS eaeh. Enquire of 103 Fort Street. oelO MEDEIROS & Co. >Xercliant Tailor« - Amehean, Engiish acd Scotcb : Tveeds on band. Fir»t-cUsfe vork goareat«ed. Hotel 9t., nn<l«r. Arbngtou Uotei Kn-u Honololu. S. D. CKEK, il4nug«rmoa. HoYbii Kbb Co. miths and Dealer$ C ry, GlAssware, I.iin aSD PLUMKIN® T EXECUTED St, bctweeu Klng wul 2m«J