Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MOBGAG NOTICEOF J N*TEN T0 FORECLOSE AND 0F SAL Xotj» Ls hereby girec that parva*i power of saie eoauiae i io a «ertain g»ge dated Septen»ber lst A. D. 1S92 by OEORGE \AX1ACA and MA GBORGE hrs »ife, o( Honolohi, LsL O*ba,to M«l:e Kahai, late ol said Ho 1 deoea*-d, re«orded in the offioe of the tr y ot Coare»»nces. in Liber 13S.foti 2-3- J. .V. Cntsmins. Admhmtrmtoi "dl *nnexed of the WiU of the said Kahiu, deoeased, intenls to foreck» mongage for a breach ol the cond:ti »aid znortga$e con:ained to wit; th payment of both ihe pnneipal and L when dne. Noliee is alio hereby giren that i siugular tbe iands. tenements and be mects in said mortgage oontained ai scribed, will be soI>i at Pnblic Anct the Auction room of LewLs J. Lev Qaeen Street, in s<ud Hono'nlu *on WEOXESDAY. the 14 DaY of NOVE A. D. 1804, at 12 o'eloek nona of soi The propeny in said mortgrge is described, vix : That certam pieoe of Und sitnate ii oa. Hoaolala. aforesaid, and also Lha tain pieee of Land *taate at Anwai Honomla aforesaid, described in Patent 1,89, Land Commissioa Awar to Hakaionln,conveyed to Umanma o L manma his father, by deeti recor Liber 30 {p. 296-7, and by said Umann to George Nakiaua br dēetl recorded it 136 p. 307-8. Term cash in U. S. Gold Coin. D< expense of pnrchaser. . , r farttle r particalars, apply t. K. Kaulia and Euoeh Johnson. Ath for the AdmicLstrator with the Will at of the Will of Malie Kahai, deceased, gagee. , J. A. CUMM1 Administrator with the Will annexed Wil| of Malie Kahai, deceased, gagee. Dated Honoluln, Oct. 4*, 1894. 3wl dii«cūifc Coart Fii$ (iipeai the [lawaiiai] Iglandg IN FROJBATE. Iii tho matter o( the Estate o( Hes McGrew late o( Honolalu, Oahu dec intestale. Os Readii«g and Filing the Petit Alpho>si.ne Mc€rkw of 8an Fr*ncisc. alleging tliat Henki G. McGrkw of Ho dicd intestate at Honolulu, on the 22 ( Uetober, A. D. 1894, and praying tbat 1 of Administration issue to Josepu O. C Sr. It is ordebed ihat Friday the 23 < November, A. D. 1894, at 10 o’eloek a and Ucrehy is appoioted for hearim Petition, in fhe Courf Room of the Co Honolulu, at whieh time and plaeo al sons concerned raay appcar and show if any they have, why said Petiton sho* be grauted. Date Honolulu. H. I. Oct. 24, A. D. 1 Bv the Court, Groroe Luei Cl oct?l E. H. NiKūINl Commissioner of Private W»ys "aterRights, Districtof Uonolnlu. NOTARY PUBLIC AGENT.to GRANT MARRIAGE LICE Office, 308 Merchant Street. P()IJND MASTEI NOTICE. Not.ce is hereby gi:en to all there are at ihe Govenimcnt Pound a kl on Oct. 33, 1894. 1 while mare, whieh is not branded. 1 red stalliun branded P. on the le leg. wilh a while spot on the haek. 1 red horse br»nded = on the rhrht I with a white spot on the forvhc»d. Any j>orson or pcrsons ownin* the* als ?re requeste<l to eume and take tl ou or before 12 o’eloek noon. Dec. 3 W. KA Pound 290 Ring Up 2 United Carriage Company, M. REIS IM.O. QU LEWI8 J. LEYEY. Real Estate and Gei Auctioneer.