Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
Se;>tember 1", 1804 If we reraember correctlj tbe “Char!«ston rt vas tbe first of the “While 8qnadron ’ to visit Hon<> lulo. Her arrival on her secon.i cru : se is st:Il in the rai:uls of : e* jile who were bere on January 1*20. 1891. When witb at half mast and yards cpck-built she entered port witb tbe body of King K-iiakana, the kin'l attentior.s shonn by the officers to the King dur.ng the voyage to the United Stutes a.ul the, a!most sacred manner in whieh the body was guarded while be:ng borne to the Is!ap.ds, endeared the “Charleston” to the peop’e of Hawaii. As mueh as it w;is in the j»ower of the people, tueir appreciation was shown to the ofticers daring their stay and when sailed they left graven on tablets of love and meraory, evidences of their Aloha for Uaj wa.i. Few, if anv, of the oflicers who were here then are on the ves.se 1 now; some have reached the age of retireraent and others have gone to other vessels but the Cbarlestou is still grean in the heart %!>f the Hawaiians. Have you ever used a Pansy Stove? We have tboen selling thera for four or five years and to-day they woar the “Yellow Coat” in tho empire of stoves. They are recognii!ed by ev.-ry oue, even dealers iu other stove.s, i as a snperior «rticle and one 1 whieh they do nnt caro to run up lagainst. Of course st >ves may be bought from peoplo who are not dealers. Wo have people runuing hero every day or two for firo bricks and j>arts belouging to stoves thoy have bought from other parties, and when they ficd they cauuot get theui they discard their stoves and buy a “Pansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in bnying dear tliings at low prices. Come to us aad get a Pansv at 81ō 00 and | you get full vaiue for your mo- | 1 uey. Yoa don ? t got a 87Ō.00 range for fifteen dollars, mind vou, but you get a hrst class jstove that is worth Thirty dollars to any oue Our Ready Mited Paiuts are I s.iited to the wants of ueople who have a little painting they want to do themselves. The advantage in bnying a prepared paini is that yon have the benefit of tho best niixers in the United Stites withont having to pay for it. The paint is ready for use directly you take tho toj> oft' the |can and if you don’t find it eheap ! er aud better than any you c.m mix yourself we are niistaken in |our experience - In California the i ainters are using tho pn pared artiele in preference to buying lead aud oils beciuse they fiud it to their advantage to do so. We | believe it is ouly a question of time when the paiuters here will fall into lino. Hanging lauips are in as great deraand now as ever. People seem to want something for lighting purposea th»t will give as good light as the sun—they fiad it in the lamps we are giving away. Onr eheap stand lamps are an eieellenl tbing for a servants room and will find a ready sale ] in the Island stores. We ean snpply any demand. for a «ingle ! lamp or for a thousand. There's lots o£ Hawaiians whose Knleanaa need fencing and we bave the wire with whieL ( to do it. We havealso the ma-( terial for building a fence that i vill Iast nntil loog after the millenium. Instead of paying a ' high pnee for posts, or evea get- j ting iheoi for tLe cntting. your ■ , fence vill cost yoa Iess money if you buy steel stays and vashers and make a Jones Loekeil fence. We have even tbing yoa «ant j in ihe hardvare and honse furnishing goods liue you wish. And ve conrt investigation aa io their qnality and prioea. II | 1 807 Foit btieet!