Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

o hr iio!r.iiiua (Talrnd ocr. 25. ism. I» P«I»T. >*VAL VB#EL«. g P M S I(jr«cinth, Mat, E«qfiinuoli anoumn. : i V ■ trr.. p- «n, NVwca«tle, NSi . W M I>i: 'n«i. Nilnon, 8F. N .r A (:*. S«n Frmad v MKeli Ivan«-n. Cr*y> H o « >. An«tr»iim, Hou<ik*tte, 8 F. X >'t t>aklAn<i. 8eat0e. t vis>.n.M\pr< n » r R, :■ rtLc»erv. .. (j»vsan Id I ; M > S titv of F*t*kinjj.Vokohmma. .... L«j>*n Id ( A. ■ ( • --k...Pt Townf*end' vb. kt Ki;kit*t I*t Town««*nd.( !f( vrcm>Ue * Chdur 1 n .K( wc*ntle ( p«k Bo«teobodk.. .Lirerpool < Am - - hr >\a Knrvkm < !•: . • M«".k» Aln. Ni wca*tle.. > r I’■ ritan....Ke»-(ni<tle.. .> ' • 0 f N"\vra»tle. . . i «iil l-enberg. .Bremen 1 -> ;p H I <ilad>* Lirerpool..,., KIKIK.A <IAIL MRVI(I Ste»niKhii*8 will Icave for «ml (lom 8nn Francieoo and otber p,irt-, on or »>>ont the (ollowin); eloM of 1894. Ti o I’anlhoon Sa!oon is <iejot for the celebratotl K j ri<< 15eer, where it ean alwa found e >ol and fr« s!i on laj>. do not deal in ‘ Fr< derickg U-.fr” as the morning l*u| thr>tigh so:ne mistake has a« C:«II at the I’aniheoi re-freshing drink. JIM DODD, Proprietor. TaVmubout brayiug nsses. lowuiā full of them McI3n»; Tbiskoy is ouly to be fotiu Ihe Emj>iro Saloon. And ' it s foand it slnys. l.u. Kcqiia of lhoEmpiroSa has tnado n now deal whioh touch (ho hoarts, or at leasl l'alaio of manv a thirsty wan - J er. Ho keeps , ‘balf-aud-L oe • and sorves a mosi licious and eool bevorage, >-uj>erior to “plain” boer. po 17 tf •f. -I. WiUiama tbo well-kn Altifltic I'botograi>lior is mal ■ 'i*vcialty of poriraits on Wi lh.ds aud !Silk Handkercb Complete sets of Lantern sl lecturcs eau bo bavl at tbe gall i 1 or tboy aro sold at a reason; %ure by tbo do/.ou or by hundrod. * * Ilaniwai EaiiiHauE Tl>e Liidfrs’g.ied haring Lfj ih- «ell knewa IlaNiKaI D Ho >k at Waikiki, begs to Wu. that it will be rcn as k Strictly First-Class BATHING RES0f P®' accommod4tioufl snd Children.