Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 27, 19 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
r>Q r Bys tomorrow night. i j Going: Ooi&g!! Gone!'.: (Lan•ngA Call early at L 3 Tey s office for vour t cieLi fur toraorro* oigbt s> | t*how. H hos- ei.gagement had to be annonoeeU becan>»e children • saw? Ihe ’ aronnd Iast nigltt ai.d no beart> (or his head) were brokea. Tiie Heilani Bo.tClnb holdsan iraport mt meeting tonight. at the | ( Charab r of Cotnm°rce Koom. There w ll be a cricket raatch toraorrow afternonn at 2:30 o’elouk between the Ioc»l teara and » teara from the Hyacinth. — The Inter iation »l Sch utzei Clnb will hoM the ]b-galHr Meet ing at the v ew Armorv on Bere t;«uui Street, Frul »y Eveuing, 19tli inat.. at 7: J0 r. m * Mra Thirds will give a lectur* on “Theosophy and M >rals” at the Foster Imll this ovcning, al 8 o'eloek. lt j»r >niis83 to be highly interesting. A membor »>f tho medical frat i emi y will j >in ihe* rauks o( Bene«licts next week and tuk» nnto hiraself as wife, a fair i «1 iughtor of H «w.iii-nei. A1 H. Hallet otfers a reward i for a diam >nd stnd accideut allv I*ist while driving frora Wai kiki to tliis city. The liberal i otter should Hlimuhilo a saarch. — Harry Mdler ret'.irue«l yester d*y raorning fr<>m his vacati<>n ttij» to tiio Vo!c»no. Pele has evidently »graad with Iii:n, and ho looks in exceilent heallh. Ent> rprise bcer is foaraing agaiu. Reqn » of the £uipire says that his celebnted c<>cktuiis made from MeBnvers han«l iu««le s >nrraash \vhi.skey d<> nol requiie ‘cherries’ to mike llimu i'ne «lrit»k l that men and even go«ls enjoy. — The noighb >r <>f tho Oper>» | H«niso inada liims *!f obaoxions .•tg.»in I>ist night»bv preventing a y<>ung boy fr< ni getting a dnnk from a \vatcr tap near the Opera Hou.se but on tiio H »yselden premises. Tho estate of M «lie K »hai, dece.ts«\l is valiie<l aee <rd»ng t > in veutory of t!i< wll ns f >llows; <ie.»l estate |.r>j>erty 89.187. 0; Person »1 property $10,16145. Miss Eliz»beth B»>er tlie n:ece of tbo dece.»sed is the priucipal ueir. C.»pt. D <v:s h »s h »«1 t ie ste nu er O'aini.in ilo rep iint «1, neeaulk ed etc , aml slio w ill assam i her iisu.il roate on M »nd »y t nicliiug at ports o i 0«h i »ud Kauai. A g<» >d opporiuuity f<>r ! s i ppors is otL*rei1. Mr. 0- K. M ii»onev who fur a ! unmber «>f years 1» «s been in the eiupiov «>f tl E Melotvro«fe Bros. i in tbis e11v, left in the Alanieda thts moniiug ! >r E:igland to seek | >oedical tr *Htiuent f>r his cves His many friends h<>pe to see hina ; j haek fully rest >r d to healtb. Nigol Jackson who appeared as a “walking ' adv0rtisO;uent for' Ihe I)»iiey Co., in p.«rading the street dresse«l as Ihe g«lley slave in the ‘ Bl»ck Fi >g” « rt s promptlv arreste«i by t\vo ofticers ye->ter d»y afternoon aml ‘*run iu. Ihe officers ev dent y to<>k Nigel for eu esc »p«d pnsouer. The ra.«rsbt«l promptly !et the young ;«ot«r go a,«d the BUok Hag prv.»cession cotitinaesi >ts w.«y.