Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


The BIack Flag tonigbL Tbe Hawaii arrived thi» »>»KThe eonoeila meet tbia afternoon. The Healaoi’a will meet to mnrrow evening. White Rye coc'.tai!s with cberries are the speciality of the Ancbor. The anction sale of C Girdler's goods will take plaee next We<jnes«lay. Great preparations are being made to make the St. Andrews Cbnrch fair and luau n success. The concert of tbe National band w«8 largely attende<l !a«t niglit at tbe Hoiel. Tbe boys furnisbe<l tbe usual fine mnsic. Mr. Frierannn wbo recentlv res<gnej from tbe hotelon ncconnt of a “sensation,” is n ow sneing for wages alleged to due him. 577 Cbinese nnd 1‘2 J<ipanese who nrrived bere in tbe City of Peking were relenscd frora tbe qnarantine stntion yesterday. Tbe enterprising mnnnger of tbe Hawniinn H <rdware Company Mr. E. R Hendry will 1e<ve in the Alaraeda on a bnsiness trip.

A sensational article with p’e- j tnre of a recent importeil wonhlbe m«sher will p’-obably «<Wn the eolumna of the Amenean tomorrow. Pnrser M*hite who haa enjoved his honeymoon and vacation at Sans Sonci will be on his ohl post on the W. G. Hall on her next trip. The Honolnlu Librnrv whieh recentlv h«s been cIose«l for repairs is now npen ngii'< and the interior of the building is vast!y improved. The Central Union ladies wi’l have a Thimblo Bee— whatever that mny !>*•—this afternoon. ft is to bo hoped the Bee is not th* ir bonneta. To-day is the last d«y for won’d-be law makers to eut*-r for the comi»g race «ml plank np their *ees, be weighed and how their colonrs.

Exten«ive repaim will b«ve to be raadeon tbe old s‘one cbnrob. The congreg'tion will bave to find anotber bonse of worsbip m the tueantirae. Tbe International Scbntzen Club will hold the lb>«nl.'r Meet- l ing at the "ew Armorv on Ueretnnia Street. Fr day Evening. 19tb inst.. at 7:30 P. M Mr. J. O. Ilolliwell. the well known accountant and present book keeper for W O. Irwin * Co.. has aocepted a position with W C. Poaeoek & Co. j i The authorities now say th>it there was uodii"g iu the alleged j niysterious assault on MissCulter. Kigbt*aare is accnsed of baving asaaulted ber aud n * oue | else. Jndgiug frora tbe r <rhal de I mamls on Manager D.iil-y f'»r repit»tions aud tbe absoiice o( i 4obstatial Ulk at the box pb*o. one must jodge tbat tbe Houolulu tbealre goers d.<n‘t know wb«t tbev want.