Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 17, 8 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ASSIQHEE'S S*LE ! r I * 0T \ THX ENTtRE S?TOCK Wenner$ Co. WILL BE SO r D Regard/ess of Cost. «pt S-tf PIONKEK Steam CANDY Factory. ttiIil.KY aud Ice Cream Parlors I HORN m 1863 W lll/ 1694 J3T PRACTICAL COX K JEC TIO XEK and ORNAWENTER In all lranche» of the bufinr*s oa the»e iilanā». Americ»n. En?!ish, Oemian and French PASTKIEs Made to Order. BIRTH-DAY«AND WEDDING CAKE8 Made of tbe Very Bcst Materlal and at Keaaooahle Kate«. - Family Graham & Fancy Bread Always on IIaud. ALL €OSFECTIOSERY Manufactnred at My Establishment Arc Guaranteed to be Positirely Pure «nd SoId at Prices uo other establlshmcnt ean comi>ete with. FACTORY AND STORE, No. 71 Hotel 3treet, Honoluln. Both Telephones Xo. 74. jy36 Pcr S.S. AUSTRALIA California Fruit from the Coast OAMARINOS Refrigerator Contaiu a Full Supply of lee House, such as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salmon, CanliHower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Apricots Mectarines, Japanese Plums Tokay Grapes, German Prunes Crawford Peaches, Silver Prunes Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pears, Etc. Market. Muiual Tel. 378 lt HoYen^BB^do. Tinsmiths and Dea/ers 'IN - I Crockery, G/Assware, <%c. WAIEK pipes lajd axd plummnu NEATLY EXECUTED <o 14 Naaana St, bet»een K:n» and Hotel A*ea Baildi»K jyo 2m MEDEIRl »S & Co. Mcrchant Tailor».* AmeneAn. Englwh uu! Sootch T«eedi on hAml. Fim-clue] vork go«nat«ed. Hotel St., oai« Aniagtoa Uote< Elw. Hoooiui». 6. 0 iKR,