Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 16, 6 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACPARL\NB «V CO. fhnUrs m lVine* arvi 8piriL K*»hnui»no Strr«t, Honolahi. H. E McINTYRE & HRO. (ili'*CEilY, FeeD SrOBE & RaKEBV. Corner o( Moii Fort Sts.. Honolnln J. PHILLIPK. i’R .\C7riCAL PLUMBER, OAS.FITrEB JOPPER-SMITH. Honse hh«1 Shij> Job \Vork PromptIy Eieouleil. No. 1 1 King Street. llouoiul i Dk. Mt LENNAN. Fort Stre«t, filiove Hoiel. Mulual Telephon»> Bs2. f>r 2H? lor re.'idencf. J>28 KD. C HOW K. House Sign and Oinamenial Paiuter. Miiiaificture -<f I.iquid Siating. fi20 Kinj{ Strce(,. :uigl
LE\VIS J. LEVEY. I Ueul Kstate and neneiul Aueiioueei’. Ātraer Fort aud Quecn Streets, Houolnlu Porsonftl attenti<<D given to 8ales of Fnrnilure, RoaI Estate, Stock anil OenenU MeicLaiuliso. Vfnfn«i 1'nlenboue ‘JS? FAT BOY.” BAYHORSElg 8U00N ! P. McINERNy, FROPKiKTOR, Fine Liquors, Wlnes and Beer. Coeser Bkthkl am> Hotkl Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory &&£ £* • W. W. WRIGHT, Propiuktor, to> <i- West). ("aKRIAGE Bl II.OINO aeu UEPAIKIM^. All Orders from tlic Othcr msnd< in Ihe C»rriajrc Building, Trimming and Painting Line »ill Mcct with Pmmpl Attcntion. BUck$n>itbiiiE in All Its Vari<ms Branches Dooe. P. O. Box 5til. Sos. idt> and 180 Fort Strect. jyl9 Iy W. S. LUCE \STine and Snirit Mercliaiit Campbell Firt-pnx)f Block, MEUCHANT8T. HONOLUIiU.
71:BOTH TfiLEPHONES:71 —C0SS0L1DATED—80DA -WATF.R -W0RKS -; (X). (Limittkd.) • \otict:. ALL p«reons »re v«rn«tl nol to pennit their animaU to tres6poss on the l«nds o( Kanewai and Kamoiliili, helonging the undersigne.l ri» pl«nters. All auimila : fonnd on strajing on the rice Unds will be imponnded or shot. lentai wai sing kee. Honoluln, Ang. 21» IS»4. «ug 29 lmd’r Toi Wo Wing Kee Co. I 36 KUUANU dTREET Dea]era in LnJies' «fe Gents B »ut8 «nd Sho«» nv«de to or»l» r. POBo*367 !»■’ Anchor-:-Saloon Ei ■■AUSTKAI.IA,” % Auother Iovoioe of the W orld Renowucd FREOERiCKSBURG UGER BEER On draught »nd by the heg-U Also, as a Spcciaity, SmauFrbsh CAUF0*m OYSTERS. K01t OOCKTAIIj8 mayl 3ms