Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
S • ter,. r 17. 1894 If we remembe' r. v the 1 “Ch«rlest *n’’ vr : •tst of tl.»* •'While Sqo dr :i t - t Honoj luio. Her arri\ ! n ;»er -ocond cruisc is stTI t e mi- ls of | ; eo:de who «erc bere <>n Januiiy ‘29. 1891. W ■•": ;'a g' a| : iiilf-in;>st «nd y r.l- eoek boilt : she ei>tered p <t with the body of King K i'ak »o i. * kiudat- ; tentior.s sho \n ' v t : ollicers to { the King dur g t;e voy«ge i to the Unite«l .S. .K.i ; d the, a!niost sa£red :n r . wLi.'h bo<lv was gn ir 1 1 w!i le be : n? borne to the Is'iir.»K-, end-ared | the “Charleston” to tbe peopie iof Hawap. As > ae’i .-<> it was in the pow-r of the p * >ple. t».eir api'reciatinn w.s - wn to tlie officers dnring t .-ir st »y and when sa'led they Kl? graven on t-blets of lovo a d n. -'i»rv, evidences of tbeir -! >. I rH iwa.i. Few, if any. oi’ t!i* offic>*rs who were here t n ;ir on the vessel uow; soili »v r ,iclied the age of retirer.i- rt i;d others j have gone tu oth -r vessols b;it the Cbarlestoa is st.11 grefcn in the beart of tho H iw.iii »ns. Have yon ever us d a Pansy St ve? We liave been selling | them for four or five ye:;rs and to day they we .r the “YeIlow Coat” in the empire ol stoves. They f> aro rocogtii; dbvev ry oue, eveu dealers n < :her stoves, as a soperior nrt eie and one whieh they do u< t e <ie to run up ug!iiust. 0f c.utr>e T ves may be bought fro:; | eople who are uot dealers. We h <ve peoplo rtiniiing hero ev ;y d<y < r t\vo for fire brcks;;i . i!sbeiouging to stoves t ! : yi. »ve bought frora other parties, aud wlian they fiud they c;t . . >t get tltein they discard their s,oves and buv a “Pansy.” Yo t soe thero is n disadvantng ' iu bnyiiii/Me-ui' thiugs at low pi ee -. C nue lo us and get a Pansy at >15 00 ;»nd yon get fu!l valufc for yoar raonev. You do; t gct >75 00 • ' runge for fiftfcen d »11 <ra. mind von, but you g 1 first class stove that is \vort!i T : >iity dolIars to any oue Onr Ready Vl:t< i Paiuts are s-uted to tlio wai,ts of ueop’e who have a litt!e jm;nting they want to do thenisel\fcs. ’i : ;e adv;int- | ago in buving a pr< p ud paint iis tbat yon have t!i beaefitof | the best iui\ rs iu Uie United St .tes \vithout h;iv * t > pay for it. The paint ts t •ly for use directly you t;»ki t‘;o top otf the ean and if yon do : <’t find it eheap er and better th;in ;-. y \-ou c»u raix ycurself we re aiistaken in our exj>erience' In C»r<fornia the i>ainters are ns ng thfc pr p;iroJ articlo in prefer<- eo to bnying leml and ols bec ;. t!iey find it to their ad?ai»t;»ge 1 1 elo so \\ e beKeve it is oiily aq estion of time when the painters here will fall iuto line. Hanging lamt sai in as great demund now as ever. People seera to w..nt som- thiau for Kghting purposos th ,t vi!l as good ltght as tlie suu —fc ey fi d [it in the lutnps \>e are givtng awjv. Our che»p st«nd lamps are au excellent thiug f.*r a sennats room and will fiud n ready sale in the lslaud .-{■ .res. We ean supply any demaud for a sing!e lamp or for a thousand. There s l<->ts < f Hawai : ans wbose Kulbanas ueed fencing and we bave the w’ie witb whieh t<> do it. We have a!s-> the inai terial for bt»ildiug n fence that will lasl until So g after the millenium. InsteaU of p«ying a hig-i pr:o<? for p> ; sts, oreveu getting tbem for tLe cutting. your fence wili cost you Kss m ney if you buy steel st»}-s and w. t shers aud make a Jouvs Loc.*ed leuee. We bavo evtrvtr:i g you Waut ia tbe bardwarc »ud housu farniabiug goo»ls !ue yoa wish. Aud we couit i»ve>t.g«ttOD as to their qualit\ nml (.r.c< >. fte Haiau: EaiiKK Ct. 307 i oii Stre«t .