Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
Mr Cb&se. tbe Geoen»l P*$- | senger Agenl of the Volc 3 no Honae Comp*oy says somethingj is goinu to happen to Mad*me 1 Pele He thinks she has beard < 0 f onr Qoick and Sroair Pro6l Policy aml is determined | 3 he will do s*omething to get up a » bigger sensation. We are too( bo8v to g * &nd sce what is going on; so here 1« a ehanee for you to go as oar representative. Yon are aware of tbe fact that eveiy purcha>e made at onr store you * receive a eheek. KEEP EK\ ONE. The amoont of parcbase makes no didereoce. On *Dec-j eraber ‘26th, [the raorning after Cbristmas] the man, woman or cbild bringing in the EARGESTj M*MBER CHECKS tothe Slore before 1*2 o’eloek noon receive a FIRST CLASS ROUKD TRIP TICKET to the VOLCANO. and a letter of intrmlaction to Mnd-! ame Pele, as B. F. EHLERS a CO.’S, representative. Tbis ticket gives voa ehoiee of rontes andi timo for leaving. Remember everv pnrchase. great or sioall eutitles yon to » ehanee. lu» worth working for. In the mean time, we are going to try and make things lively here. Qaick sales and Sraall i Profits aud plenty of new novel-l ties will continae to do it. > The Mariposa eame just in time. We have been looking forward with pleasure to the arrival of those DARK BLLE and BLACK LAWNS-»the very lut1 est out; also SCOTCH GINGi HAMS and COLORED DIM- ■ 1TIES. A full line of tbese goods. Special attention is also; 1 i called to our new WHITE and j 5 RED BATISTESand magmficeuti i SINGL£ and DOUBLE WIDTH ...