Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
* “ No signs of the Arma ‘*Wife‘sDevotion’' tomorro» Mr. F'almer Woods i* in lowu L Tbe Mannercbor meeU tonigbt. Tbe Kinau arrivcd tbis mornin K« Tbe Amenean Leagae will meet tonight The Oeeanie left for tbe Orient at noon today. J. F. Morgan left for Hnwaii vesterday in the “Hiill.' Mr. J. F. Hackfeld retarned in tbe Oeeanie yesterday. Tbe Oeeanie took away a eonsiderable number of Asiatics.
There wi 11 he a meelinp tonigbt of the members of the Yoang Hawijiiaa's Iustitate. Gonsnl General Hhwea will bo serenaded next Friday at the Holel. Preston of tbe Advertit*er returned frora the \ oleano lbis morning. Solomon Isaac‘s saying: '‘L bave n trick like a tri’ e igle, will doubtless be ft by word for several wceks, Jndge Whiting. and Messrs 0. W. Asbford samuel ParKor are at Waialua on a bnsiness > and pleasure irip. — The Hire rootbe?r is getting very celebrated. It is a cno!ing and healtby drink snituble to tbe 1 cliraute. Rogistration is gomg ou very slowly. Tbe Hawaiiana anel Portuguese stay away altogether and tbe liberal (!> republic refuses to adinit foreigners belonging to the opposition as voters.
The next ten d.iys will nbound in pleasure t. e. , Thursdny, D!iiley'8 Co.; Friday. Concert; j Saturday, ''Anight otf; M Monday. j n dance; Tuo8dav, “The Silvei King.” *11 with pleusure, let joy be nnconfined. A. Julian Monserrat eame down froiu Hawaii Mrs. Mouserrat has been visiting her mother forsome time and will return to her home with herhusband. The report poblished in the A<lvertUer, that Messrs. M;iguire nnd Woods had joiued the republie is groondless. They are yet in the ranks of the solid opposi- ; tiou. Oolonel Croeker and Mr D O. Mill were among the throug!i* p«ssengers of tho Oeeanie. Ihe two gentleraen who are great Araerican capitalists were the guosts of Mr. S M. D«uion doring their stay. They are m«king the | tour of the worl'd and will proli!ibly winter in Elgypt.
Sell’s Circus. or as it ifi no« known as tho SyndicnU Sbo» will pass lbrongb on the M<>nowai to Au»trali». H the tficks ehow is coming tbey will eneouuter a stoue wall. Miss GeneTieve Nannnry drank ao mueh lemonade for ch«r.ty | sake yesterday tbat tbe sight of a [ lime is nause.»ting. It wonhl be «ufair to inqnire how onr I yooug men'e j>ockets feel to-<lay. ■ ■ ■ — | It was pleasing news for mana I ger Dniley to le;irn by a luoal ,viper tb«t hi» wife w*a in this oity. He bas not found ber asyet ! . t «d contemplates action against | the reporter who elev«ted h«s hopea. Mr. S. Ballad Dole was reoeived ve«y ooolly by tbe people ol Huwaii. Ko notice was t*ken of him except by ofSce bolders and the f«w xemnauta of tbe family eomp.ei Tbe nat«ve«. oenalW know for their kindneas «nd hospitality refusetl everywbere locxteud «he aiiglitcel co.aie-y to ti.o * preeidoat of tbe w called īvpul>lio.