Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 13, 3 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ASSIQNEE S S^LE! THK BXTIU sTOCK OF Wenner§ Co. ! WILL BE s«jLD | Regardless of Cosf. j sept C-tf pioneek; Steam CANDY Fnctory. 9 BA H l'.Kl »ml Ice Creum Paiiors I ~ 'X i-:pn m m 1863 1894 m •Ji PRACTICAL GON FEC TXOX K11 and ORNAMENTER In all bra,irhf» o/ thf b\isinas 0,1 lhetf iīlaiui*. Amenean. Eoglish. German anU French PASTRIES M.iJe to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CARES M*de of tlie Verj Bcst Maferial and at Keaaouahle Kates. Family Graham &. Fancy Bread Altcays on Haud. ALL iOXFElTI«XEKY Mannfactnred at My Eslab’ishment Are Guarantccd to bc Po»itivcly Pure and Sold at Prices no other est»blUhment ean corapctc with. gpT FACTORT AND STOKE, No. 71 Hotel Street, Ilonolnlu. Both Telepboncs No. 74. jy26 Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMARINOS Refrigeratt»r Contain a Full Supplv of lee House, such as Frozen Ovsters. Crabs, V Fresh Salmou, CanllHower Celery, Muscat Grapes, PeHches, Apricots Mectarines, Japanese Pluras Tokay Grapes, German Prunos Crawford Peaches, Silvcr Prunes Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Siklo Pears, Etc. California Fruit Market. Mutual Tel. 378 lt THOS- LTXI3S^AY 208 Merchaut Street Houolulu. New Store, nev> Jewelry Gold, Silver and Diamxmds. Jewe'ry Manuf icture to order. Watches c'eaned and repatred: 3t^ r C/:I i:i ?.nd msprct. -4-U Ho Yen l(ee^(jO. Tinsmifhs and Dealers Crockery. CiAssvsare, §o. WAIEK PIPĒS i-A!D axd pu mrino j XKATLT EXECCTED (•14 Nuii:; . a’, ‘-i*a Hotei i AM» * L/ViO 1 • *