Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAWAII’S “ BLUE” LAWS f COXSTITUTIOX/and LAWS Frmeil bv the >lissiouaries LAWS of the HAWAIIAN f islaNds. CU.\rTER XLVI. A LAW RESPECTINQ PRISŌXERS WUO ABSCOND If a tuHii be bronght to tri.il an<l condenined. nnd bi r j pnnis}unent he 1 * nsH'Rned. tbon if s»id prisonor :ibscoads iu ordar t Jie may esc i(»e the p iuishrao it. ho ehnll when fo«md,receive n.i nddikion-il n m shment. U<* sh:ill h;tve ttvp*/y-five **tripea lnid uj»on him. t*«ough th« J idgo sh»ll li yfo a rtght to r d «ee thom to t«velve. After h »ving roc**iv<A these. th** fii>t sontencc ahall then ho execut d npou /li.m. eith*T by fin >r h .rd ab >r aee >rding lo the origiu;il »decision of the J ilg>». If he abscond ag iin aft r linv’ng been oneo pnniaheil, he shall then receiv d»nb!e t-' e nutnber of strij»es wh ; ch ho rtc ive.l bef-»re. Aml llma the stiipes shall bo iacroased ev. ry titne he ubsconds. This : ct was [»assed by the Nnh'ea. and R pre-ent.itives oo this tlnrd d «y of M«y in the Year of onr Lord. one tbo«is«nd eight hnndred and f *rty two ut L ilnina, Muui, and we have th-ref.<re iiereanto >uftixed our nimen. Sgued KAME.'IAMEUA HI KEKAU rO lI. CH \PTER XLVIl. A LAW FOR THE REGULATI0N OFCOURT. Them are two dist ; >H t k nds .-f Coorts. One kind where the J.uU'.'s t t«x nfticers .1 ei.le tlie e «'O hy thoms *Iv-'-, and theot ierkin.lnh.-re they eaun »t :*ct by t'iera«elves bal certa n other j>ersons rau-t be ns-«oc ated wit*i the«n. Th-se person wlio are associated wilh themsh i'lconstitQte j iry. Tlie smts where tb»- Jndges and t «x olficers may by theioselvt s alone p»ss sentunc“, are us fo lo«rs. 1 A’l snits relating to :«?sess'uents aiul taxition. and the dii«pnsnef8i.)n . f )nnds. nod the neglect of hnds a»ul indecd all t‘ e bu8int-s? of ihe t «x offict rs they may transact without the aid of « jury. N » j r:es ;ire t • sit w tli t e t«x offi rs B rt if the ea «• h* uot s»ttU 1 s t sf ic*. >r ly it a iy br appoil ed according to the pririlege granted in the con-.tit »tion. 2 The j’idge' also ra ty try s iits br.> ght f.»r stu »11 otT_'nces. T’uere shall be no j :ry in sach c -ses. B .t f»r try«ng Kigh crimes their mast be a j iryj mj» nneleii. T >is is tLo limit, if the fine or d.»'r.ag*-s amoant Iess th.»n a La Jre.l do1lar*,"tben t ; e jndges ean try the c»se tberrge!vea. But if thev araon*'t to n»ore Ihan a iiundred dolLrs. ra «st be a jory. Tii** sarae »’s» is the e »se in n ?i»ect t*> the S iprerae j-»dges. If the fine «r risk of property am » :nt to m »re th;«n a hundred do’Iars. n j ry shall b« imp-innelmi. Iu th’s Arch : p©’ap» no nim shull siipp* , r tbe penally ol de»th or banbbm*?ot, or uny ollier pn li-Um -*» 1 of iiko m»gn t jd-*, ua’e?s a jurv b? iu»p»n Med *:»d lhey coudoair* hi o. 3 But if a iunn be brv»-«ght t>» tr .»i for any otfonce. and he des’re « j iry there n»ty b« *»ne al'owe.1 hi-u, I5nt be tDirst 6rst «*siy intidtl.e bands<*f t ** j<i.lge. twanty t;V.' d "!!ars. •nd then « jurv »K«|‘ be >iupann ) | ed; Aml at tne tr>ul. »f’ Ihe man de*»"tultc2 tl»e j ;rv l»« uot e nd*-hiued. tl»eu the ub>»ve ment > ed twenty 5*- ‘ «1 S ;»rs sii»:! .• restored. B «t if th • p-r*ju detti m i»ng ♦ ’jo ju*y b-> c-> »letnn*«d. t!i>»a be ahull - ff r tlie vf .-uuey .n »di.t* >n to the āi.e fuj bidGCi«M>