Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

• OCEAMC SteamshipCo : ■ Time Table. LOCAL LIN'li S.S. AL'ST1ULIA. Ajr.Te Honoluiu Leare Ho&olnlu frotn S, F, (or S, F. Aug. 11 Joly 21. Sept. 8 Aug. 18. Oct. 8.. 16. 2s.»v 3 OeL 13 Dec. 1 N‘»v. 13. Dec. 8. Xhrouirh 1 “ine. From San Fnn. for Sy3nev. Arrive Honoluiu From SyJney for San Francisco. Leave Honolnlu. Alameih Jnly Manj>osi A"K M nowai Seot Aiameila Oct 26 23 ‘20 18 8AL00N, Corner Kiug aml Nuuanu Stre- U. EDW. \VOLTE5...,Manager. The Fiuest aeleeūou of LIQUORS and 3EER, sot.l »nywhere in the to>vn, First-class i»tu-udence. Call and judge (or yourself. no S0-tf. B. BERGEBSEN, Genera! Acent for SINGEB. a SEWING MAOHINE COMPY. All Kimls of Needles for S.»le «nd llHj»airing L)une. l).ira*»o’s liloek, Rethel Streot. Honololu. P. O. 4-10. jv21 i Capt. Wm. Davies, 33is:2:©r, Stevedore nnd *W recker. E5TIj1ATES AXD COKrP.ACTS os ALL KIXDS OF WoRK. ■ tV’*toa»»nal*» wi*i run regular *n Wis .n»e, W’aīaiua aud \\'ay Lacd' i g. |-»qn2X.* .! offo. of W»jJUl .5Wt I Ui» I