Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE SUN OUT-SHIISrESS « *** *■ u ALL.” e.'JA* \Iutual Telephono 314:. i
Dont Buy Second-hand Box Mattresses imported from Coa-?t. lo«d d with vertnin and {>erhaix~ infe* ‘ion » IF YOC \VANT AX Uf»H OL SJE*\ED^JJf\ESS Lio to a respectable Dealer and get one made new. If the puhlie knew as inueh about the conetruction of BOX Mattresses as they ought, they wonld n t Buy them. They are miserab!e frauds at their best, you oanuol tell what they stufled with, They are oum - >ersorae, unelean and unhealthy, and are at least 30 years behind the age, eannol be pnrchased in a ive go ahead plaee in the East. > - Buy - A WcivEīi Wire MattrESS V and be well abreast with tho times and wheu bnying ask {or Bailey’s Honoluln made, Xon-corrosive Solid Coraforl Sj>ring Beds, then you will not be troub!ed with a bill of repairs every few months. Buy a \Voveu \Vire M.ittress, A Xon-Corrutive Mattre-s, A Hinolulu Made Mattress, A Good \VhoIesc-me M«ttressJ Xot a Box Mattress. For sale by all respoctable dealers in the city and by W0VEN WIRE BAILEY. Hotel Street, Honolulu, (next d.x>r li Horn’s Steam Bakery.) aug 14-lm
LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F . FIXE SE1TINGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, ANDLATEST STYLES. Xhe«e goods will be sold in any Qaantity from a 100 Yabds Down to Enouoh to Mase a Sikgle Stit ! k • —ANP AT— HiBD TISE 1 PHI0E8Ī B. kERR. - - IMPOBTER, Queen Suvet. Sepi5-3m X0TICEDoriog my abseoce from the couotn- after ihe tieparture of the *‘CWanic” for China Chin Dock will Lave full cbarge of my business and atfaira generally. Wailuku, Sept 21,1894 Ajb Chlw. •' :W-
THE COMMERCIAL ~ SALOON Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuaanii & Beretm5a sts. Hoaolula, H. I. The Only Sport:ng House in Towu. O. I 3 . S. aSpecialitv. LOHEXGRIK LAGER BEER, Always on Draught. 2 GLASSE3 FOR 25 CENTS. BeHlof*Wines, Liquors, and Ci£(irs, ALWAYS ON HAND. jol tf Y. LU3£ SING, , Dealer Ln Frnits and OroceriesFresh Emiia by Everv Califomia Steamer. Eresh I»land Bntter frotn Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. ■ Coffee Roasted. P O. Box 169 Fresb Isiand Prodace. Goods Delivered to Any Fart of the . City, jy21