Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

| (jolden •i Rule Bazaar, Depot £or 2» tIWSPAPERS and PERIODICALS by every jncoming steamer. I I£j?'J3ubscriptions Payable in Adranca. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. Thia Maehine is tbe Kmg of i all. On it voa ean m;»ke a Loek- ! stitcb, ChaiD 8titeb. Embroideiy, ±Jutton-holes, Ruffles, Tucks. - Gaitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croqaet, Stationery and Blank Books at CASH fRICES. Hand Sewing Macbinēs from eight doilars aud a b«lf up. [jy27 T. H. Davies & Co., X-ii32Q-ited.. Fresh Feed and Flour From WASHiNGTON. i Lion Flour, Oats, Barley, JVIiddlings, Bran, er “ W rrimoo,” Just i to H nd. . -L- r .<*• - ,.r- . . New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, « I Qroceries, 1 \ To Hand.’ FOB ’ Bailey Honolulu Made Wire Wcven Matresses and I i I Hanunocks iy« C1TY DRAVaGK CO. SUnd: Que«n and F.»rt Str,els. \VHite «ud Bl»ck S *i»d. |>>re *»t R#a* «nnhle Rntr». w. f. aiuiuim.