Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Lost A GOLD PIN set with Pe»irl3, j SattmLiy afternoon on Emma i street, between the residence of >!rs. McCartney and Mrs. Dole. A reward wiil be paid to tbe doder. Address th;s office. se!3 lw | Eztra 0RDtNARY Good NEWS I FOR { HOUSEW/VES ard MATR!/liONJALLYIHOUHEO MEH. S. Kubey & Co., No 41S Nuoanu street. oppc>aite Central Meat Market Secnnd Hand Fnrniture Dealers. have inap >rte<i an et»ortnous amouul of FURNITURE ! From tbe Coast They are prepared lo SELL the Best Articles at LOWEST PHICES M«>ney is t : ght. ar.d none nf ns have m<>re tliHii we know what to d>» with. KUBEY »fe C>. r»-al ze this. and are decre.Vng prodts lo suit the times If you know the v»lneof money deal with S. URKY «fe CO. f>r in their st»re, One D <11 -r g >es f rth - er t»w>rd buyiiig FUK\ITURE than three at any other plaee in the town On Saturd.iy evenings, open to 9 P.M. Don’t f«>rget the address S. KUBEY & C0. t Oppo. Central M. MarSet P.S. Persons having Fnra ; tnre t > sell, will do well by cll'.ng on US. SeIU tf L. B. KERR"S ANNOUNCEMENT! I HAA'E JUST RECEIVED A ) LARGE ASSORTMEXT 0F . FIXE SCITINGS, ELEGAXT PATTERXS, AXD LATEST STYLES. ! These gooda will be sold in any Quantity from a 100 Yabds Dowx to Enouoh to Make a Sixgle Scit ! —AXD AT—HABD T1SE PBI0ESi L. B. HERK, . • I\lPORTER, Queea Street. Septō-3m pSCK COR.NEB rtP Nuu-»nu and Her*-tamaS:reets. 561 /—B<>th TkLkph<»xe8:-> GOOD, REUABLE and jy27 tf ClVIL DR1VKRS. Tal Wo WSng Kee Co. 36 NCUA> U STREKT Dev)era in L«dies’ A 6anta’ B>ut» and Shoes made to ord-r. POB»v9H7 8HG YI E\ KEi; T1N8.M1TM axd DEALER IN tin\vabe. Piptng Laid »od Hepaimi. All Orde« Procnptly Atteuded to. Charge« Very M"d»r.te, G-ll a*»d See Us. No. 223 llaun*ke« b:., UoaiMk