Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 206, 8 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
rr ixsURANCE,-« 7 . > FIRE AND MABINE THE CSDER3IGNED IS ADTHORIZED T0 TAKE FIRE asd MAKINE RISKS ON Merchandise, tlulls» Car^oes, hVeights and Commissions At Current Bates, in the Foilowing Cos. namely: ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVtRPOOL, ALLIANCE ASSŪRAKCB FIRE A MAEINE, LONOON, WILHELMA OF MADGEBCRG GENERAL 1NSCRANCE CO. 8UN INSURANCE COMPANY,.8AN FRANCISCO. J. S. WAI.KEK, ‘Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. 0EDWA¥ & PORTER Rohinson Block, Hoiel S(., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Recemd, per Late Arrivals, tLe i Slccli of FL : E N1TURE Ever lmported to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved £edroom Sets In Solid Oak, and o/ the LA TESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS; WICKER WARB, Beautifnl Designs of Wicker Ware, consisting of S0FA8, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc., vou ean get these in sny F1NISH you desire. CHAIR8, Conntless numbors of CHAIIIS, in everv style, including OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. E2^TE1TSI01T ,ES, Wo have had a numher of calls for these T&bles, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL UININ6 ROOM FURNITURE £VER SEEN HERE Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers o- JD X VA KT S. Divans covered with PORTIERS »re becoming quito the rage in Eilaee of LOUNG£S—wo mauufacture them to order, and have a aigo stock of PORTIEKS to select from. BEDEI1TG-. Great A(«ortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Mos3, Wool and Straw Mattresses on band and raade to order. Ll\ E G£ESE FEATHEES and S1LK FLOSS for Pil!ows CRIBS, CRADLES, eto. WINDOW SHADES of all eolow and size 8 . C0RNIGE POLES, in wood or brass trimming 8 . B5 £3 IB31 DT;G-. Mattresses, Loungos and all Upholstered Faruiture repaired at reasouable rates. CABINET MAKING, in ail its branchos, by Competent Workmen. MATTINQ LA1D and Intrrior Decoratiug uuder the SuDervisiou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are First Class, and onr prices are the lowast Come and be convinced —a txi«l is solicited. Bell 52ō. telkphoxes: Mutuai 645. OBDWAY A PORTER. Rv>binson Block, lieiween F«rt and Nnuann 1
Telephoxes: Bell 351 Muiual 417 Residence: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F,. B. THOMAS, C0NTRAGT0R aml BUILDER Estimates Griven on All Kinds OF N,ST0N All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attrrded to. KEEPS tX>K 8ALE: Bricr, Liime, Gement, Iron Stooo Pipe Fittings, 01d & Sow Cormgatad Iron, Minton.Tiiee, Qo*rrj TUes, aesorted sizee and oolon; Oalilonia and Monterey 8aad, Oranite Curbing aad Biooka, eie., etc. !Corner Kine A §aM| Sta. Ofice