Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PDEIFIED WATEB, No Miorobes. BT TI1E 00S5OUDA rED SODA WATER WORKS * COMPANY —Liiuite<i. Xli©3r . l Fum tja.© Fo\3J3Lta.l33.s Tlu:o"CLg'33.o\2.t tli.© ōit3TEXCEPTISU ONE a.s Cx3rstaJ.. it. aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers. Wtiol6S'»le aad Deal6rslin IPlm.© CigrarsJ Sxxxo3sā.rxgr ToToacco, am> Sxxa.oJrexs -^xtioles. Agents for ihe Celebrated g.b. r>. pipes, MADE IX ?ARIS •ng7 Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG ST0RE Pure X>rngrs, Pine X’ erfnni.es, Prompt A.ttention, &rr Low Prices Comer Fort Hotel Sts. aul - £r S. LEVT, ca + Will on AUGUST lst Remove from hia j-r< -ent 9trcet, to the plaee former!v occunie<i by Benson, Smito * t on Fort street. After I «et settled it will b.* lo your ndv*nt«getonote the pneea, etc., that will appean m th:s eo. ,mo.

290 Ring Up 290 5 TTnited Carriage i Company, u M. REIS iJ.C. OUINN — j' Capt. Wm. Davies, ! Rig3:er, j 1 1 Stevedore and Wrecker. ESTIMATES AXD COXrBA(rTS ON ALL KISD8 0F work. SttRoner Waimanalo will ron rejrular to Waianae, W aialua and Way Land;ng. lnqaue at offlc* of J. 8. W*i.aza otct Bauk. 1 feb IaW. : : | Removal I Snatace & €fe« — have hoved to —- Morgan’s - Aueiion - Rooms for a «bort (»«. W« «re*»īU MUin« Departure Bay C0AL CHARCOAL. ALGER0BA «nd KINDLIXG WOOD !■ UJ

MACHINE MADE POI! FACTORY, : : KAUHI • Taro Plants, FrehU T<*pB and R*w Taro at all liraes. Riog Up Malual Telepbone 577. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy2*> M.mager. pHCK COB.VER 0>' Nuuanu and BeretaniaStreeta. 561 561 GOOD, RELIABLE asd jy27 tf C1VIL DRIVKR8. Gust. A. Mauer, HA WAIIAN ĪĪOĪEL BARBER Ladi<s Shampooing a specialty. Honoluiu. aug4. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBL1C For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Acknowledgtnent» to Labor Contr&cts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oahu. I ! Agent for the Haw’n lslands of — Pitt A 8cott , s Freight and Parcels £xpress. Agent for tbe Barlington Koute Eeai £stats Mer anl 8eseral A^t Bell Tel. 348; Mut. T«L 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: No, 38 HEBCHANT 3treet Hoaololo. H. V