Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Telcgraphic Dates Vi* New Zealand to August xoth ' Tbe ugtial f*ke nimor relative to recognition of Hawaii ie telegraphed. A comproau-e Las beeu eome to on the tariff bill. Filty per cent ad valorem on sngar : iron ore free and slidiog scale daty on steel for five years. Bill not passed Aqgust fith. Freeident Cieveland's children are said to be in danger of being kidnapped. The Senate has passed the anti-anarchist bill. French Catho!in* in Quebec have wrecked the Baptist aod tbe Anglican mission houses on account of religious rivalrv. The Cau:uiian government is inviting tenders for 8 diiferent cable lines in the Pacific. Four Sicilian towns were destroyed by earthqnakes on August 9tb. The Vigilant dcfeated the Britannia on Angust 5th and 7th in four and a half anJ eight minates respectively. On the 8th the Britannia woh the Cowes rcgatta, beating the Vigilant 12 minutes. A plot to Llow up the Royal palaee at Brnssels has been frus* trated. The steamer Miowera has beea fioated od again. The re-insur-anee was nia.le.it 55 gniuess pre* mium Dr. CorneIius Herz, who is ill in England has boen sentenced at Paris iu Lis absence to five years’ iraprisonment for eomplicity in tbo Panama Canal frauds. Two Prench ofhcers have heen arrested at Piedmont for baving in the iupossession plans of ltalian forts. Cesario Santo Hierouymo, the assassin of Ihe M. Carnot, has been sentonced to death, but the jnry were r.ot nnanimou5. He repudiates the tbeory that he is the victim of heriditan r insanity. He feols no remorse for the crime, regarding his position as analogous to that of a soldier. Cholera is spreading in Holiand. The German £mperor was dined by the Queen of £ngland ot Osborne on the 7th inst. A Mr. Hagon M. P. leaves London for Australia via Cunada on Angust 9th to obtain notes for a book of travci. Mr. Gladstone has declined an invitation to visit the United States on account of eye tronble.