Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 25 August 1894 — IT’SATOSS UP [ARTICLE]


- - • Sometimes wbere to go to pnrcb«se any particnlar article, but not if you happen to wani anytbing in tbe line of 3upplics, Picturc pramcs, or enl*rged portraits, tbere is bbt one plaoe io Honoluln, to porcbase all materials, and tbat’s KISG BBOS.’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on tbese Islands. The finesi paintings in Hawaii, are on exhibition in this gallerv. Tbe firm m&kee a specialty of enlarging portraits as well .as : making piohue frames in tbe very Iatest styles of mooldings. In lbe aheei pictures, tbey bave thoasands to select from of whieh they inrite an inspection •ft any time. KXNTG BROS- } Hoftel Sftreeft, : : Honolulo aog. S5>lmdly.