Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


Tbe K nau ieft this »fteroooD for windward { . 1 Mm Samuel P*rker left for Mana io the Kmao „ — i The Nanann moanUine were , * cload-cl»pped this morning. ' ‘ New Market" no longer; now ■‘Reminiscence of Thnrston.” The marsbal is ofT again for j his beloTfd heailh restorer, Hilo. ; A very small Madience was present at the band concert at tbe ( HoteI last eveniug Aboat thia season of the year fights orer water rights are mnst prevalent among't Chinese. t Mr. and Mrs Gorham D. Gilman Ieft bv the M«riposa lnst evenmg f<>r San Francisco. Tbe “Frencb” case waa p stponed till tomorrow. .\anieruas witnesses were on baud. — Arthnr Wilder filled the positiou of secretary of the eoaneil» yesterday afternoou’R meeting. I !' Dr. B F. Day is reported to huve been »ppoint«d rs Port physiciau; be hus taken the o«tb. ( Port Sarveyor Sanders raade u pier he.ul jump luie lust night «nd left by the Mariposa for Sun i Fruncisco. The ghost of Tliurstou’s raarket showed up in the eoaneila yesterdav und wus refused furtber | i J support. — Mr. A. P. Peterson left for Wailuku this ufteruoon to uttend the cuh6 S. Ahmi vs. Waihee Sagar Co. ' • The Palolo Yalley fire isreport ed lo have burmd over a lurge I area of forest ground and to have ' done mueh dam«ge. The Muriposa brought 5 euhin pnssengers for thie port from the | Colonies «nd took forward aboot : 20 to San Fr«ncisoo. — During these duyg of drought «nd he«t n visil to the Long Br«uch Buths, «nd a siost i be- • nenth the co<>! and hospittble roof tboreof. fllls u long felt w«ut. j 8(outh) E ust) Bisliop is still in b«ruess «s « currespomleut of 1 the United Pre»s and Arteiuus Wanl Johnstoue yet suppties the Chromcle. Birds of « fe«ther 4C.’ Councillor Eua dt>68 not forget self in any of his motions for raore money. Yesterd«y he moved *nd obtuined $7,500 «dditioni «1 for improviug u ro«d th«t skirts i his property. I Purser Smith of the Mariposa ; . j stated that tbere wrs little credence pl«ced in the recognition ; - dispatch hs it w«s not iu the Aus ; tr«li«n pa)«ra but se«med to be ; sent fr«)m Sydney to Aueklaml 1 New Zealand in time to meet the i M«riposa. - Coancillor Allen, the presumed I ; care t«ker of Mr. C. K Bisbop s residence dnring his absence, is probnbly in ignor«uce of tbe obnoxioas vincs whieh protrude over tue mauka eud of the wall 1 whieh eaciose the Eiahop premis 1 es on Emnia street. - , The ' Improved Hawaiians met last eveuing in T. M C. A. I ba.ll aad adopted m con8titutiou aud bylaws. Tbey are now en- * deavoring to hire a h«ll. Messis. i p. e. Jonea. W. M. H«ll, W. R. ■ j Cnstle and J B. Atherton *re giving mucji needod «ssistance to ihe org«uix:ition. After all the foss »nd te»li- , | mony, Coa)ter. >nstead of bemg p | proven » highway robber or | baglar is charged 8tuiply with receiviag sloieu gocds, no proof i I tb»t be knew lbey were stolen, »nd wus seuWoced to within ) tbree monUis of the time tbat tbe i «py Feathcr»tone got for sUbb iug j hu wi|«.

No b»seb«ll toa»orrow. B»nd pl»ys in £mm» sqaare tommorrow afternoon. m Tbe H»w»ii *rrived this morning from Kawaihae, Hawaii. The Joliiv» liquor casv is being tried in the district Conrt tod»y. — The weatber continaes w»rm, without rain or even indic«tioos thereof. The report of tbe Interior De- j p«rtment for the p«st two yeare has been issaed. Mrs Fred Whitney and ehildren were passengera bv tlie M«ripos» frora here f*»r San Fmncisco. The membere of Arn iteur Athletic clnb «re daily ext*rcising at tbe RecreatioD-gr<>auds, in v<*r ionsg«mes. The Sc>ieutzeu c'nb wdl meet tonight for business. Two of' tlie raerabers «re applic«nts for tlie Ius*ine Asylniu saperii*tend«ncy. Mrs. Thirds lectares this eveuing on “Theosopby” »t Foster hall, corner Nununu «nd Murine streets. Lectare eommenee, at 7:30 o’eloek. % The Waterhouse building on Queen street sti11 dispi«ys the “lion and tlie nuieom” sign but no lrace of Aiuericau or H«w«iian sentimeut. i The politic«l C. J. is reporled i to have heen the n-eipienl of no less tlian tiiree pigs since his advent in K«;iawa. Tlicre is mueli sorrow iu Jerus«lein. A report h«s been published bv the Attorney Geuer«l and whieh pnrports to give «n acconnt of the work in tlie Department during tlie past two years. It is botb amnsiug and instructive — The bark Albert Capt. Grifliths hnd just twenty-four bours start ; , of the bktue S. G. W T ilder, the l«tter sailing last W’e<lnesday. : The “Albeit” is expected to arrive only a week ahe.id of the j W T ilder. Tbe Tbaretoiii«n roonument on : the Esplan«de, known «s tiie skeletou of a uew fish m«rket, looks g!uomy tbese d«rk nights ' t niigiit be utilized as nii «d junct to the S«ilor's Home «t lower r«tes AIl of the government physiciaus h«ve t«ken th« o«th to m.'iinhiiu theso enlie*! “repablic" «nd not to «s«ist d>rectly or indirectly in tlie est«biishmeut j uf a ‘ mon«rchi«l furm of Govern ment. ’ Royalists need to be careful «nd make_tbcir wills if tbey ex)>ect aid frora govcrnment physiciaus in tbe fature. Tbere is an undercarrent of | ill feeling existing between loeal J«ps and Chinese aud whieh is m«de noticeable by tbe t«unts whieh school boy Cbinese direct «t J«p«nese storeke«pere. Four different dis«greeinents occurred on Nna»nu strcet, ne«r Bcretaai« i street. last evening ia one of ; whieh « J«p womaa put five Chiuese kids to roat. At a ineeting of members.of the Chatuber of Commerce held l«st Wednesd«y tbe following gentleraeo were e!ccted tu fiil ofl5ces. »s follows: President. F. A. Schaefer; vice preside«t, J >s. I. Dowsett; secretarj* and tre«sarer, J B. Atherton. An arbitratiou committee was «lso «ppoiuted cousisting of Messrs W. F. Allen, J. I Dowsett, T. R. W»lker. C. Bolte »nd C. M. Oooke. An Eastern p»pergive«* poini er on how to »rrrve »t » eoaelaaioa with reg»rd to tbe coming figbt between tbe represeut »tives of tbe *dv»nce»l civilx«lion of tbe Uuited SUtes; it «ays: “As «11 di»patobesoonceraing tbe Core»n w«r h«v» to bo Ulegrapbe»l from Sb»Dgh»i it i» not »»fe to pot too maeh f»itb in tbem. Sh«nghai is oot noted m the home of the tru« «nd the l*nd of thoM wbo | enn not Un.