Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
When the trade fiods t ra«L-to * , ionbt oar «ssert»ons »boot ! es i ird pr oes, bat one con«.‘ia.s,on een be »u*l th*t ;s t'*»t «e nre setting the paee on prif-'3. ie well do:ng t!ie b'.isiness • There »s an old j>rt*vorb tia t : “what h one S lossiS il» iys nnother man’a »ga?n.’ >Ve are going on record and charpe it lo wbst i» vonr gvin. bv tr d:Og wiih us. sr.d our* by increa»ed bns»ntss- »s t ie other onn s lr So down we go fr-'ca day īo day in pr cea There is ml a doll connter in onr Store; we h»ve gotten ont *>f the old rnt. TKe Uiivs of large profits are over. Everv day it wili l*e 3i»metl»iug new and tetupting ia styles >cd prices. We ctn t menti >n bnt .» fcw articles io thi> eoluaia. bot wish to in»pres-> you tbnt if yo.« want «nvthing in oar line y m ean get it t ROCK BOTTOM PUICES «nd a guarantee the poods are as represeute«l. If you boy those furkish Towels of oars yoa wili sur' !v prav for r«in. They are so ditferent fr«»m the eheap things olfered a» Turkisb ToweI». Cas’i bo»ght these so that we eau sell ihen» at jost aa low a fignre as the eheap ooods are otfered at. A handO aooie PCRsE is a verv decept»ve thing lt alio >t a : w.ivs civate< the iiu|>ression tb»t tiiere is money in it, nud so there is, if vou s >ve on the ponihaao price by bnyiug of us. We struck a su ip in our purcha>e of Pl RSES —and will gve you tl»e benefit of it They run from ‘2ō eonts to perfect beauties m Real Altigator and Rus8.an Se.»l witb Sterliug Silver Mout.tii.gs. l>ARAs()LS l Interest yoc? Look «11 over i towu for just wli.it yon wanted — beg pnrdon, you Iooked every i piaee bnt here. lf you hid yon wuu!d huve seen, L dies S nall Carriage. Btack Siteens. B!ac'r; Glor », Silk Serg.?s, N.ivyBluej Silk with Dres«len Chim (roal) h;tndles, Biack Silk Natural Stick handies. etc. Also, a full line of Meu s ineh Silk Umbrellas. No fancy pricos on these goods. B. F. £HLERS &. C0.