Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
H\WAJ1 HOLOMU^. is JTBI.IPHED Rverv A-ftemoon kxcett >»usdat bt thi Holemua PubUshizig Co. At Kīdr St. (Thoroas block), Honolulo. H. i. jZ2Z:7.Z?T.Zi:, psr Keni, 50 OU. TU» j»;«r v« «teSiT. re<i by C »m»n in the to«D nua »ul>nrbs. Cop»«H f w !;*le ftt ll*C N* w«i &li*l »t !W ol poblicatioti. EDUU\D N0RRIE. ■ ■ Editor P. M. ROOSEY. - - Manager XOTICE. Ail !ttirinn— Commur>ic»tion« shonld be •d.lrosM5d to l’. M. KOOSEV. flonoInln, H. I. t>>m-Tj»ou(u nc* *nd i'ominnnienUon» lor pnUieUion *bonld be »ddn*«wi to llif Wiu>t Ut*>ii llolomn*. No noiioe «ill be paid to uir «noujnnous oomniauic*tiou*. Husiness C’ards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, Aiturnoy aml Coanselor al Law, Oiliee, Site of tbo Olil lielhel — Wost Corner of King aml bethel j. N - A. P. PETERSON, ATTDltSEV AT LAW. 113 K*abamann ?*«»(, Houolnlu H««»iiDU IsUnd*. CHAKLES CREIGHTON, attorset at law. Offiee; 113 K»»hnm»nn Ktreet, Honoluln H»«aii»n lsl»nds. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORSEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutnal Telephone 415. CLAUENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORSEY AND OOUNHKLLOK AT LAW. <_>fficw. >)ld C»pitol Bnilding, (Honoluln Hale), »dioining l’o»t Offioe, lionolnln. A ROS\, ATTOBKEY AT LAW, So. 15 Kaahuiuanu St.. Houolulu, Hawaiian Islamls. H. F. BERTELMANN. OOSTRACTOB AND BUILDER, 86 King St., Bell Telephouo 107. F. H. REDWARD. COSTUACTOR »>o BUUDER, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islamls. WILLIAM FOSTER. ATORSKT AT LAW A NOTAKT PUBL1C, Honolulu, H. I., 13 Kaahumanu Street. jy‘24 A, G. CORREA, UTATTOESKY AT LAW.^H 307 Merchant Street, Hooolulu. jy2C> DiTIB DAVTOX, Agent to Take AcknowledgmonU. Mill Atteml L* Management and S»le ot Ptopa*ty —Cbllection in All Ite Branches. OAioe No. 42 Merchant Street; Mutnal Telephone 380. jy23 A. S. MEDE1R0S & CO., Merchant Tailorn. Amemwn, EngU*b »nd Seotcb T«ecds od li»nd. Fir»*.-cU*» «ork gn»raiit(«d Hotri St., nuder AHington Uot<i, Uoeolnln Jjr 17-imon. Feraaudes & 6omes WUOLESAL£ Callfornia Winea and 8plrits, No, 502 Fort St., Houohilu, H. 1. f. O. Boz 436. Mutual Tele. 140.