Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 160, 11 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hop-Beer Depot MUTUAL TKLEPHONE 314. £ Storeroom, Bethel • Hall PRICE : 61 per Dozon Quarts “ 50 Cts. “ Pints DISCOUNT to the TRADE ]XT. BREHAM. GENERAL AGENT Known as the Soft Soap Man; aIso. dealer in Gener.L Hawaiian and Fureign Products. All kinds of S->a| . a «;. cialty at Cheap rates. Highest cash price p»id for Tal!ow in
— OCJEAXlC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOCAL JLUSTE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. ArriTe Honolnln Leave Honolnln from S, F, ror S, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 28. May 19! May. 26. June16 June 23 \ Xhrone:h 1-ine* From San Fran. for Sydney. Arrive Honolulu Alameda. Mariposa Monowai Alameda. Mariposa Monowai Alameda. Mariposa Monowai .Mar 15 . Apr 12 . May 10 Jnne 7 .Jnly 5 Aog 2 Ang 30 .Sep 27 .Oct 25 From Sydney for San Francisoo. Leave Honolulu. Manposa Monowai Alameela. Mariposa Monowai Alameda. Mariposa Monowai Alameda. .Mar 8 . Apr 5 Mav 3 M»y 31 .June 28 Jnly 26 . Aug 23 .Sept 20 Oct 18 H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AXD Provision Mercbants 98|Fort Stxeet, - Henolulu Families, P!antatioas and Ships supplied with choicest Eumpean <fc A mniean GrocerUs California Produce by Every 8teomer.
Los r r. A FOX TEI{RIEK BiTCH ; answering to the uame o! j ‘Patch.” A rewaril uill bo paid for her recovery at the Anchor Saloon. corner of Nunaun and i Kmg streets. WM. DAVIES. Stevedore am> Wrecker. ESTIMATES AND CONTBACT3 OS ALL KINDS OF WOKK. Inquire at Office of J. fe. Walker, over Si>reckels’ Bank orWright Bros Fort Street.| dec lB-tf C.T. AKANA H|ei t cg&qt TaiIo[ ,! 324 Nuuanu Street A.11 Suits Ouaranteed To Fit aml in the Latest 8tyle. Clothes CleaneU and Repaired. no17 F. GKERTZ. J1AS HE-OPENED HIS Boot & Slioe Store, ; : Opposite tne Club Stab!e on i' Fort Street. and will be glad to ; see his old friends. may7-tf. 'I Long Branch BATHING Establishment. ThisFirst-class Bathing Resort bas been enlarged and is now i open to the puhlie. It ia the * best plaee on the isiands to enjoy , a bath and there is mo better plaee to l*y ofi. Special aeeommcdatiocs for Ladies. Tramcarv » pass the door every half bour ane on Saturdays and Sundays even 1 fifteen minutes. 0. J SHERWOOD ProprietoT.