Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 142, 19 June 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
Tbe W. H. Dimond *rriTed from 8«n Fraocisco this tuorning The Jockey Clab bolds «n ira- : |K>rtant meeting on Fridav, at tbe i Pacific Clob. Tue partA- of yonng la«lie? wbo are rn *king the circaīt of Oaha, J left Waialna last night for Laie. i Is an *xcnrs «in boat rea«fv for the F*»artb of .Joly' A namt»erof 1 “tbe boys” want to go to Mani. ’ “Toinrpy I.vans is among cs i onee more. He alway» said he woohl return together with restoration. The Pbiladelphia men bad no cartridges with t!iera when ou i <1 ri 11 today. The p. g. armv raight tak« a lesson frora them in that re«»|)ect. Wbo w:is Ihe constitutional deleg;«to wito took a “constitntionai” on Snnday night in the bv-ways of the Park? And who ' was tbe ladv? M j«-r P-»tter is bnsy d-Iiv..-nt K iiiviiati-*np t- the gar«Ieri party with Hatch gives in h«'n'-r < f Thurst-n next Thnrsd;»y. ThTt)::j r ie e..rning hi? s ilary. “Silkv, a well known trolter. j will appeai on the race-tr.«ck at Kahulni on the 4th of July, and will, no donbt, niake it warm for Nevad « and Jobnny Hayw:«nl. How lncky that circurastances did not eompel the p. g. heroes to tarn ont aiul slaughter ihe Phiia delphia «nen a wiii'e ago. How verv lucky indeed for the n. g • • i n bravos. The Ani«Tic «n Minister has adopted a livery for hiscoachraau— Tl«e Portnguese boy «m ti«e front , seat looks like a D;.'tiict Telcgraph messenger str.«yod frora the | San Franc sco olhee. Oh ye shades of Stevens' Ohinaman The appearance of the Phila«lelphia forces thls morning was pleasing to a raiiitHry eye Quite a nnmhei of tlie bovsknew wi«ere their bayonets were wlien ordered to pnt ihem on, and after a while tiiey all g«»t them fixed. Captain Good and Delegite , Ables looked good and eool as iee even when a plaloon pointed ' their gnns at thera us they were standing in McChesney’s door ! this morning. Whut firmness. what bravery,what good ubleness. ; ft is stated that Captain A1 drich, 1 «te«>f the Honolulu Uifl"S. and still laterotl Judge Wbiting's Court appeared at a s«loon last Satardav and purchased a bottle * of gin. V;doc Lirsen, tl«e famons detectivo eaine still later on Where is W.«gner? Tlie secretary of the Auaeric«n Le «gue. Mr. Theo. P. Severiti tells tl«e coromanity that ffon. H. P. B«ldwin and Hon. A. G. etc l¾son will apj>ear as orators in the Leagne h ill to'ii >rr'W n ght. The therae of the Utter gentleuian will pr«ib ibly be “la *lurkest Sms Souci, or how how I found Willis.' — ( J -rrv Connor*8 frie:iils have n »t been sleeping at«d t :e eiiterUirirnent n«xt Thnrsday pr miieee to be r grand atfnr. Beside? that s number • f people wh-> symp.*thiie i with llie invalid have ‘‘oomo up’’ sobstintia)Iy *«:d heU»ed U> swell the funds whioh will en»ble hin» to go wl;ere he eau, as all hop<*, find { heaith »nd nn- , w«.d vig»r and life