Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 138, 14 June 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LEWIS & C0„ I Wholesale'and Retail 6ro PBOVISIOJi UEALEP k S. | FRESR CAUFORNU 8ALM0N ON ICi By Every San Frascisco 8teamer. Salt Salmox IX Barrels A Specialtt. /// Fori Si., Honolulu. Tel. 240. 1 P, O. Box 297. I I i ]Siercliant Iīlxchan<2je Corner King ana Naaana Str; S. I. SHAW....ilAnager. | The Finest selection of LIQCOIIS and BEEU sold anywuere iu the to«rn. j First-class attendance. Call a>d ja.;ge • (or yoarseif. no 11 :i—tf. Capt. Wm. Davles, INTER-ISLAND P.'LOī j Any Port or Landing in the Hawaiian Islandg. Inqaire at otRoe of J. S. Walkh» orer : Spreckel’s Bank. ! ,feb l 4 -tf. | CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 F0RT STREE1’, Mclneruy Block. ĪJOBBERS OF j WINES, and ! SPIRITS Anchor-:-Saioon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice oUthe World Renowned FREOERICKSBUjG eLAGER BEER On draoght acd by tbe 1 -*g. AIso, as a Specialt/, Small Fresh Califorhia 0YSTERS, FOR COCICTAlILS majl 3 oi3 A3TD [Vbing Laid. Rwtimaiaa girea'on*all !:inds of dqefttt Coxchet* ;a SpnciAi'T. JSO. P. BOWLSfi. ***** - / ■'' > ,v. .. ..