Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 133, 7 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kcroscne 011. ‘THE ALOHA,’ High Grad<' Oil. Pr’ce M'jderate, at T. H. DA\MES & Co. mylC lia C.T. AKAJNTA. H|en:gU|fe īailoi 11 ; 321 Nm.anu Street Ali Suits Gruarante©d »To Fit and in the Latest Sty!e. Clothes Cleaned and Bepaired. nol7 The “ Eagle Hou$e ” Poi The Lease aud ihe Good }ViU of ihis Facorite Family Hoiel .

THERE ARF FOUR DETACHED C>tU|t» »nnexed lo lbe Hut«i sttiiab:e f r |>rirate f*oaiiie». Tbe main bui <Ju>g oonUina 20 Bed Rooms l*rg* Dining Rooro. P*rlor. etc. Th» f jroit<ir» ia »11 elegiut »nd in g <od cooditioo. Th« Groonds i re oe»oiifullj l»id out in Treea, F1 iweia, Ferna, »nd other Piania. Thia hoaineaa 3in bsbr »ugbt al a b rg«iu on o»/ leraia »«8 lu m«mt. g0“ Applr to 9-tf