Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WM. DAVIES, i ITisrger\ Stevecloix* W recker. i r,-rnX ATT-S AAD COVraACT8 ON ALL KDTDS OF V\>LK. I T?im iMrboo->ner MAHIMAHI. nn r*-.guUriy h*t*r-r th;» port ia<J WuAii», Kawaioāpii, MuKoUU, Kca«Miaj , »n i Kniki on lbc uiaui of < -«ha. For Fneight, ctc . »pplr to ihe C«ptein. In«iuir»- at Ollie- of J. S. Walter, ov-r Sprecl- U’ Bank. .or Wrigbt Broe K*>rt ->trret. UVtf Long Brancli BATHING Estab!ishment. Th is First-cl>«ss Ba*:hinp Besoii has been enlarKed an«l is uow j open to the puhlie. lt is tlit i best plaee on t;.»* isi«n> 7 s to ecjov a bath and there i» no bv‘.tei plaee to l.v otf. S;>» ci.it aeeommodations for L ' rramcai> pass the «ioor everv i «if hourand on Saturdays aud S;:mlays even tifteeu miuutes. C. J. SH£RWOOD l’roprietor L)V1 N 1 PPON Hotel street (Ar!in£ton Eloek.) Tbe u! v« R|hr' h n ; cive>l uuothcr bpl>‘U«iiil Iuvo. ,v of JaPANESE 3l L II, f ANCY GoOD£, / / Per S. S. ••euina." <t>Ml-RI8INO-I BEAUT1FUL SILK 1AND CRAPE, Dr>-<s G>»«ls iu all sh»de, ii’.uin :>nd figure< , Cu»hions, Tahle ('omn, Ked Covers, ( owns « l.fuiis«*s, Sliawl Sl (i;i[H! Hniiiliiiw Silb, AIl Colors Fancy I raj>eries>, EnBB0ID£6ED HAND IEECHErii Doillies, S<*arfs, llle.. Etc. N(»Vi:LTiES; The rricesof the.se GutkI» will it»toni»h yol iodu\lia( ELEŪAhī S1LK Kio1GN0S! H «n<l»oaie Cig»rttte i «ses, l‘in Ocs!aous, Silk Xe<« tW«es, LllUiK AXD NMALL J l’MSE itl'K> Silk l*u,hrel'«s, lisht i«ut »tierg; CUair S*i.U«?», Sil«ī; liumho. Bhn 5s, titie>! witb pulleys; Silk Luu; Shsdes, n> x sty!e. JAPA.VKSE sfR«:X. t Prora #3 l p. • LIKLE JlPA>KSI l SOKELUS rh. Can he Set with F !e In Ihe groun . ti.v for Pi<uicsor Lum -» oul uf doo&>, th-.-y ean he opene.l ou; or -»<»1 u » t»nu CUTTOX C UAPE8 IX GREAT VAR ETY tjTln»j<- tion KespectfuTv Iovite<i. MES. J. P. P. COLLACO, Proprietresa. Aprli-Sn • Dr. Ed. Armitage, V.S.as. [Ea*j L. R. C. T. JL>nd.J !■- P. H. [Cuirtnii|T t < npiw dgej. U»-- i 0< W ala.ti,’liLnd h &<ui. Has esti3U5HEd hi rsu F IX TH i vhh-C t tUxU} .>c . 1 (.■« XI • 2*. O . *> ner ui U rtt*ui* ini 1*« ueh-.uw S-e* . — OmeE HOL'KH: — eto 11 »JU.; 2 to •» par.;T to S p b. i»Cvl>AXA: "to. p.n. 4atnnl T«L «M BeU T«L 141