Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

(XEA\IC SteamshipCo Tim** Table. f/X’AĪ. LINK S.S. ALSTRAL1A. Att!t H Honohihi fr n S. P. rnr S, F. Feb. ‘21 Mur. 31. Mai. ‘24 M *r. 3. A cr. ‘21 . A|»r. 28. M*v 10 M «y. ‘2»>. Jone 16 Jane 23. rhl*Ollirh * 'iue. Krom S.ir Fr*n. for Svilney. Arrive Hooolala Frum Sy.lney for San Frantlsco. I.e i\e Honoluiu. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA-” An.ali r Iinoiee of the World Renowne<i FREOERICKSBUHG LAGER BEER ()« *)runght and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California 0YSTERS. KOK COCKTAlLS mayl 3ms Chas. T. Grulick N0TARV PUBLIC For th« lsland of Oahn. Ageut to Take Aekno» le.lg:uents t" Labor Contracts. Ag<nt to Orant M »rriage Lieen»e». iiouolulu, Uaiiu. Agent f.*r tlie Haw’n IsUnds of l'i rr vk S’ivn s Freight au*l P.troels Express. Ag. nt for the Burlington Koute. I M Br:ler amiaiMai llell Tel. 348; Mot. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. UFF1CE: Xo. 3S MEKOHAM Str*v«» Hoaololu H. E'Ubūshed 1863 Pionee» Steam Candy IACTOllY BiCKEET ni ICE CREil PiRL0BS F. H0RN, Proprietor. aud Birthday Cakes to Order. Fancy Bread and Guav i Jelly. Facl*>ry «□ i Sior<-, - N* 0 . 71 Kng Su** eu Boll» Tetephor.e« 74 «P*» I