Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 129, 2 June 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

E. Mclrnni E .IHPOKTERS A>'D DEALERS tS Groceries, ī > rcn'isions A5D Feed, EAST CORNER FORT A KLNGJSTS. New 6oods Rec’d By every Packet from the East->rn States anil Eun>j'e. Fresh California I*rodace by eveiy stoaoier. All orders faithfally attendeil to, and OcxsU delivered to any part of the city FREE OF CUARGE. Lsland Orders Solioitod. Sat sf:.ctiou G?iarantenl. Post Office Box N>. I4ō, Pelephone No. 92.

TEXTH Annual Meeting of niE j HAAV.fVTHVX | Jockev Clnb. JUNE 11, 1891. I Official Progranime Ilaoes to Commence at 10 a. ni. Sharp. lsr—BICYC’LE RACE. Prize Sliver Medal; valued at $25. Enlianee fee #1.50; 1 mile ds5h. pree for all. 2— KALAKAUA PURSE #100, Ranning Racc; i mile dash. Free for all. 3— HONOLULU PUKSE $100. Trotting and Pacing, to harncss; 2:40 class. Free f.r all. Mile heats; best 2 in 3. 4— ROSlTA CHALLENGE Cl'P. #200 ADL>ED. Running Rice: 1 mile dash. Free for all. \Vinner of eup. to beat record of Ang:e A. 1:4ō$. 5— PRESIDENT WIDEMANN’S CUP, #75 ADDED. Running Race; f t Hawaiian bred. 4 miie dash. 6— JOCKEY CLUB PURSE #100 Trottingand Pacing, to harness FreeforalI. Mile heats; best 3 in 5. 7— OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO’S PURSE #100. Running Race; 1 mile dash. For Hawaiianbred. 8— MAUI PURSE #100. Trottingand Pacing, toharness 3 miaute class. Fi>rHawaiian bred. Mile heats; bt8*. 2in 3. 9— KAPIOLANI PARK PL RSE #125. Running Race; 14 mile dash. Free for all. 10— KAM EHAMEHA PCBSE. #100 Trotting and Pacing, to hameee. For Hawaiian bred; mile heats; best 2 in 3. entries are bi ,be made . with the SecreUry, at the othce of C. O. Berger, on Merchant Stree<, before 2 p x \Vedne»iiay, June 6th, ; 1894, at whieh time th< y will eloee. tntry fees to be 10 per cent. ot the purse, unless otherwise specified. races are to be run or 1 trotted under tb« rules of tbe Jockey CIub. All horses are expected to start unless withdrawn by 12 o'eloek noon, on June 9th, 1894. | £ l horees must appear or the track at tbe *jp of tbe beil from the Judges 9tand, otherwis«: they will be fined. - — GenenJ miniMĪoa .... 30 cer.t [ext») 58 o-uu iad | C«niag» [ieewle of ooawe) web |2..i bad£«3..... $5.0 X- M. Gi£fard SecreUry HawaiUn Jockey Clnl 10—2 wki djj

Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALI .V. Auother Invoice ot the World ReiKnvneU FREDER!CKSBU3G LAGER BEER On ilraught and by Ihe keg. Alao, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Caufornia 0YSTERS, KOK C()CKTA IKS mavl 3ra« ' i Chas. T. Gulick NOTARV PUBLiC For Uie lalaud’of Oahu. Agent to Take Aeknowle lg3icnts to Labor Contracts. Ageut to Grant Marriage Lieenscs, Houo'iulu, Oahu. Ajient for the Haw’n Islands of ° I*itt Scott’s Freight aud Parcels Expresa. . Agent for the Burlington Honte. Real Estate Brsker anl General M BelIJTel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. UFF1CE. No. 38 MERCHANT 8treet Hoaolulu H. Eshib!ished l»ii3 Pioneer Steam Candy M FACT()itV BACSERĪ anl ICE C3Ei« PA3L0E3 F. HORN, Proprietor. Weddin$ and Birthday Cakes to Order. ’\Fancy Breud and (īuava Jelly. Factory an 1 Store, - No. 71 King Street. Both Te!ephonea 74 ■ p‘J8 C. T. AKANA , c5aiit īailop 1 3*24 Nuuana Street All Suits Guaranteed To Fit an»! in the.Latest btyle. Clothes Cieaned and Repaired. nol7 M. H, I.OHEIi)E £ 8lOX AXD OKNA.MZNTAL PA1STEH [Hawaīian Hard*aro Co. 3 AU ordors aUop>!ed to.