Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tbe AilrertĪ3er »ho cntches . a persous eye u-ia.tl!v «id>> » cnstomer. M tar dil?ereot <tvles of swlrertising h>re been «•l«»pt*‘ii aii«l »itb more orlcw success. bf tbe lH*lievers iu lbe n>e of printers ink. Tbe ra«mif.»ctarers of P»-ars 8o«p. for instance. occasion h!1v buy y>aintings tbat h«ve heen on exbtbilion in the P«n’s Salon hik! bave litb«>pnt|»bs raa«le fiom tbeiu for tbe pnrp'»e «>f brit:ging tbetr pr>vl tct bef.)re tbe )ieopIe. In aJJitioQ t-» »'io!i stde i>sues, Pe.irsj>eniN hon«lreils thonsimLs of doll:tis annually araong the n»>wsj)iX|)ers aml nx.tg* ti2ines. SomeyeHrs ago the 'gents of certain !irlicle on sale in N»>w York m.-ule a bit in a»lvertising b\ having ou Broiuiway tluring buainess hotirs t\vo fatlnessly ilressetl Negroes wearingvery high collars, ou the b tcks of whieli w.ts pnnte»l ”Usc S nit!is Piils. Tlte iile.i w.-ts novel au»l the pnblio caaght on. Iltsing Sun Stove Polish has beea kej»t before the public f»>r years tbrough jH‘rsistent, aml sometirnes expeusive ailvertising. Tweuty otl»l years ago tbe ra.xnufa?torers of tbis polisb started balf a tlozeu men acrossthe orni uentto paiut sigus 1 on rocks and fences The Aeriuotor C'o., of Chic.tg<) have ini creased its sales tnore thaa five bundred j>er cent iu twoyears by the use of j)riuters iuk. Me beheve we have beou instrumentil in increasing the s»los of the Aemotor by keej»ingoverlastu»gly at it in Mawaii. We do uot wisb to Sity th.it advertisiug will sell any iuanufactured article; there is no use sj)ending money in advortisiiig | “cheaj) and nasty” goods bec:tuse the j>eople will not be hood\vinked. lf Haviland Ohina was not tbe suj)orior iirticle *it is, all our advertising of it wuuld not bave sold tbe tbousamU of pieces that we have. We simply eall tiie attentiou of tbe )>eople to it and iks suj)erior quality is appari eut to the customer direct!y a i pieee of it isexamiued. Priaters iuk lxas belped the sale i of tbe Jauxes L«>cked Feuce bnt it would not bave donesso if »t bad ; been a.s flimsy as tbe or dinay wire j fence. First; the economy tbere is in buildiug it recommemLs it to tbe plautation iuanager ami tbeu its durabilitv clinches tbe the sale If tbe stays aml washerscost as mueli as an ordiuary reilwood jiost our sales of tbe ' material would uot have reaubed ! sucb enormoas proportions. Our average sale of tbe Panay Iroa Stove is ubout two a day tbe year round. If was not tbe best iron stove on tbe markot we «onid not seli that many tn six i months. Advertising is tbe tip tn tbe pnbl:c the good points m thearticie se!ls it jnst us tbe good qua!ities of the Fis?her Steet Uange make it a desirable article f»»r people wbo wisb toecouomise j in tbe use of fnei. We buy on!y wbat bas proven * good after people in tbe A nited j 6tates or £urupe bavo given it a trial; we profit by their experince if tbe articie* are goood we buy ■ ami sell ttiem; li tuey are j>oor . we »teer clear of them. When we a»lvertise no article it is to attract atteution to it; the news{>aper ; s the button we j»ush, the salesman does tbe rest Persistent advertising conpled witb tbe art eie being a suj>erior one ha.s s.»ld thousands of tbe Fraui Walcot Emory File. If it had been no better than an ordin*ry scvtLc stone we prob»bly wuald not bave sold twenty. Wheu a man finds out tbat bis tabte knives may be keptsburp at all times at aa expouse of fiftv ceuis and a very little elbow grea.se bo is qnite wilhng lu try tbo eipe-nmeni . TkISmLi Harlvare £l . 307 Fort Stre«t