Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

■ iUST ARRIVED, w w w V =sj BABY -CARRIflGES of m, stvlej\ IN THEiLATEST.PATTERNS. i “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Hand Sewino Machines, CtT -VU W itb tbe Latest JIniprovementi>'^fJ PAELŌn Orsrans, Guitars And OtherMnsical InstmnienU i Wines, Liquors, I!ecr i hand, ano FOR SALE RV ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER i C0. Kin« St.. oppo. Castle ,t Oooke'* City Meat Market Oppo. Qoeen Emma Hall,* EsU»bIishetl 1883. J0S. TINKER, FMvuly bJtcHe^ Maker of the Cekbrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Me»t Delivered to Any Part o{ the Citv and Sabnrbe. Mulaal Telephone Namber 289. CEM£NT mw ‘and 5i<ai|ite Curbing Laid. £stimatea given oo all klnih* I of ! Coi}cPete 1 CoNCB£TE A SPECLALTY. i JNO. F. EOWLEE. j*oX7 3m