Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — Advertisting the 'Tiser. [ARTICLE]

Advertisting the 'Tiser.

Tho usual fake storv appeared in the ’ Tiser this n orning. “The Hardeu” made a husiness engagement with Mr. Dailey whieh was agreed to and kept by both parties, Harden acting as a gobetween in the :natter of the returu of stolen property. Harden says that, D.iiiey, on return of a portion of the goods, wa» back ward in “digging up” so he (Harden) carele»sly swungaround in his hauds a i *>oden pistol whioh had the necassary etfect. The “highw.iyman ' act was perforraed by an amalear aclor in a maunor that satisf.ed the professional and everytbing ended nicely, with the exception of the arrest of Harden, the nttempted deportation and, very {J|bbab!y, release of a man whioh tbe Gov- ' emiuenl has no oase against and jn its eut'rety wasprobably ra ide for adrertising purposes.