Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 119, 22 May 1894 — The Jockey Club Meets. [ARTICLE]
The Jockey Club Meets.
‘ L »st night tbe members of the‘ Jockey Clubstirred tbemselves up and got togetber. They not alone beld a meeting, but they succeeded in raaking snfficient arrangements £or a saccessful race on the lltb of June. The revised pro- : gramme appears in today’s issue., Over a tboasvnd dollars bave been appropriated for the pursosi aud tbere is now enongh enconragemeut for all true sportsto get into the game and| enter their horses. Tbe Horners | ; will probably bave four running ' borses aud from Oahu the Gay stable will be to tbe front. Among j tbe tn?tters ean be raentioned Clareuoe Macfarlane’s wellknowu Hawaiian-bred‘Fred Maj’ ; and several borses from tbe stables |of “Dickey” Davis, as Creole and Whiskers. The handicap on ! the race for pacers and trotters : has been dropped and both ! classes will go to sulkv. Mr Clarence Macfarlane was eomj plimented by the Club for agreeing to tbis cbange iu the! original programme, a change ; tbat places bira at a disadvantage 1 But be preferred to accept tbe | said disadvautago ratber tluiu *o spoil the meeting. Mr. W. 31. ! Giftard s untiring euergy cannot jbe comraended too highly. It is | ruraored tbathe is rather disgu?tied over his acceptance of the [ secretarysbip, on account of tbe kieking from oertain borsemen, j and tbe slowness of otbers m | helping along. It is to bo boped when tbe lltb of June bas proven an unequalled snccess tbat Mr. Gifiard will be satisfied aud be willing to continue bis excelleat senices.