Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — CORRESPODENCE. [ARTICLE]
[We do not LoU onrselre8 re3jK>nsib le for ! the opiuiou- or t.ii uiteriince« of our corresponients.J Editor Holomua : Now that tho Americans iden- j titied with tiiis annex ttion ranvement have for ‘eited lheir rights .of protection and c tizenship . j nnder the Anorican ri ig. and I have shown to the world that they have oever becu worthy 1 either froni aa educational or ;patriotic standpoint and that they have beei. led bv the nose, by ‘20 men, who have proved by their owu ucts. that their love of countr}' has been a secondary consideratiou with them and now that lhese se!i styled American citizen have lessened the Ameriean interests hero and have ( brought themselves on a level with the ‘ kauakas” (who they olaim aro not able to govern tberaselves) aud now that they I realize that they have been dnped bv 20 desiguing nien, who have all a!ong kuown that a man ean not serve two couutiies. Now that thev havo found ont that the missionaries have made ; worse than heathens of them, by causing them to reaounce the country of tbeir forefathers and , join one where pnneiple and i mauh od aml love of couutry are a crime; and eow that the\ bave ! demonstrated to the world. that they are not worthy of the nama ;of honest men, but are tools, | adventurers, even worthy of contideuce or respect of even themselves, by showiug the poor • kauaka” that American patriotism meaus dislovaltv to their owu conatry: aud now that they have -howu the world tnat tbey are pQrchaseable articles j (it must have been expectation of gain that wcuIJ canse 500 mld Ameneana to sell their rights>, that they are human beings ;clothed in the garb of cvihztiou. whosa carc.isses woald not i bring today oae handredib part j of the pi :«e ol the poorebt slave ever owuei in il.e glorioos old | couatry. s)me of tLese rar,egade Auie«c.»ns f ug’at in. b?cause I * ° thev boiieved th?n t'aat every m.»a was buru And now that they are nobody, in a coautr3* i controlled by 20—who are serving ī the devil aader the livery o! i
beavec. I tbiok it is about time j they bowed tbeīr heids in sharae aod forever shut their mooths aboct their being Americans. bonest men, or even that tbey representtfae intellegince of tbeso isiaads. lt is about time thiy stopped talking aboat rotten monarchies. bat confine their argument.s aboat *'rottenness to their own characters. It is abcut t;me tbey ceased to talk about tae kanakas not being abie to po^em themselves. aml abont tirae thcse heroic advocates of a government whose backbone is the Central Union Church (cbamber of eenspirators ) took otf itie r bats aad bowed theīr bead as the loyal men kinak;vsi to piineiple aad , conntry. paaa tbem by, acd tben ! eome out in their true light andj eall themselves tue organized bodyof Americ«’sDisgrace i So:is.) No one resnects vou, not evon r • those whose tools yon have be«;n. You are uow human beings withprineip!e or countr\'. nen who have beea a party to tbe w >rst conspiracy ever carr .ed 1 out, and tbat too in tbe name of Cbristiunity, wbieh leaves out of its te«chiugs oa these islands, thegreat pnnciplesof truth houor. p«triotis'n, prineiple, justice aml ; morality. It is time to eall a halt, yoa have done yourselves, families and couutry a great wrong: if yoa bave any manhood left uudo it as far as you ean, live again for that great principle of humanity tbat we are all born equal. Give to tbose who bave proved their snperioritv to you in loyaltv, at least a ehauee, tbey are entitled t > it. and arc i better eap ihle today of governing and gnarding your interestthau you aro, and if you have . one speck of bonestv loft yoo kuow what I say is so, Y*ou eow ! b)ive uo more claims on Ameiiea j aud you owe it t > yourselves and vour adopted country to hol p eaeli' otber, all you ean, to get back tbe old rigbts you b ivc forfeitod by haVing tbis new goverument you are attempting to establisb a “Government of fche People t'or the People and bv i tbo People,” a govor:iment ol state not cburcb. Amehica.v. No wonder theu that the Leg itlor i . . " is cljmonng that they cannot get the ear of influential persons ane. I that other means bave to bo brought tobear to reach t!ie des : ired eud; tbe Adver(iser suggests j on tbe poinfc of entertaimuents. luau’s etc.—Eatertain tbe Sena- | tors —invite thein to Cbarapagnei snppers —make thera hilariously full, and by tbis metbod you will win tbem over to your side, aud ! make them willing tools to your nef:;riou.s schemes. But eouhl j such a course ba called a f.iir m l ! honurable one? Tlie Amerlca*i people woukl look at such act;ons as bribery, aud bribery is classed i as a felony—the briberas well as the bribed are feiocs Now, wou!J Mr. Hatch sti!l vote for more money to tbis Legation iu order to support and j foster bribery? Axericax. I