Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 114, 16 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company
~ Toe Advertis»-*r who c*tches a persons eye asaally wir.s u customer. M .ny ditferent styl«s • mJ w:tb more or lt-ss succc>s. i>\ the believers in the r.se of j»rinters ink. Tl:e msnof.‘.ctarers of Pe;»rs Soap. for iu>:.»nce. «>cca> ;»lly l»ny j»aintiii_s ti :«t L »vc Wen on exhibition in the Piri‘> S.»lon uud have lithogr.»phs :: ul<ftom them for the parpose of bricging their |>rod'ict before the j)eopio. la addit on > ;ch side iss»ies. Pearspends handrod> thoasunds of dollus annuulh umonp tbe newspapers uud m»g ,*»zines. Some \ ; urs .<g i tlio Jge;il> of certain article on sule in New York ra.«de a hit iu udvertising l>\ l»uving on Broadway »laring hnsiuess hours two f.»tlaessly drcss. d Negroesweuriug verv i:i_ le )llurs on the b«cks of whieh wts j>riuted “Use Smiths Pilis.” Tiie ideu \vas novel ;«nd the pahlie : caaght oa. Kising San Stove Polish has been kept before the public for years through persisteut, nnd sometimes e\pen-ivo advertisiug. Twenty o«M \*e«r> i ago the munufacturers of this I ° polish started hulf a dozen men acrossthe orui<nent to p »iut sigus on rocks and feaces. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have increased its s;»les more th;in five. hundred j>er ceut iu two years by the use of printers ink. We beheve we have heen iustrumeatal in increasing the sdcs of the j Aeraotor by keej»ingeverlastingly at it iu Hawnii. We do not wish to say thut ad ; vertisiug will so«I any manul ieture«l :»rticle; thore i.s no uso spending money in advertising •‘cbe.aj) and nasty” goo«ls l»ec:uise the j»eople will not be hoodwinked. lf H;«viland Cliiau was i not the suporior urticle 4 it is, ull our advertising of it would not have sold the thoasan<lsof })iecethat wo have. We simply eall the uttention of the people to it aml its superior qaality is app;»rent to tho customsr directly a pieee of it is ex »mined. Printers ink has helj)ed the sale of the James Locked Fence b«t :t would not have dones so if it h;id heen as fiimsy as the or din iy wire fence. First; the economy there is in buildiug it recommends it to the pl;intation m:»n;iger and theu its durability clinches the the sale If the stays and washers cost as mueh as an ordin.<ry redwood post our s.»!es of tbe material woukl not have reacbed such enormous proportious. Our average sa!e of the Pans\ Iron Stove is aboot two u day the year round. If was not the i best iron stove on the market we ' wouUl not sell that m;»ny m sii months. Advertising is the tip to the puhlie the good j>oints ii. thearticle seils it ju>t as the good ' qaa!ities of the Fischor 8tee liange make it a dcsirable aiiieie for j>eople who wish toeconomise in the ase of luel. TV'o buy on!y what has j r >ven g»x)d after people in the l'nited States or Earope huvo given it ;t , i trial; we profit by their experince 1 if the articles are goood we buy and sell them; if tbey aro poor we steer clear of thom. When we advertise an article it is lo attract atteution to it; the news j ’ jM»})€r is the button we pash, the salesman does the rest. Persisteat advertising eoaple»! vith the art:c«o beiag .» saperior oae has sold tboasau ls of the Frank Walcot Emory FiSe. If it bad beea no better than an ordiaary scythe stone we pmkably would aot h ive sold twenty. Whea a m.»n fiods out thas kiā; table kuīvēs may be keptsh.rp at 1 | uil times at an of fitty ! ceats and a very iittle elbow, grea©c he is quit--3 willicg to try lue exp<^saienL Tas Hiiiiiiii 3arl7ara SC3. N 1>07 Fort bueet •