Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 103, 3 May 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

CHEAP FURNITURE ! YI?TG FAT- * 6e. Conier of Eing *nd Betbel iSts.. Hoiioluln, Offer a large ass<»rt i*ent of fiae aud d< sirubie FURMTUR i:, whieh tbey »ell at « v»-n* low fig-r-re. B«<UtH»ds. Bnreuus. Me.t 8afes, Wardrubes. etc., «t prices to 8Qit even'lnxly. Cull aud inspect for yoorselves. mnrl2 VING FAT i CO. Mfl-yU-^0^A JUST RECEIVEDfmm JAPAN Several Kiud of Colton Crape, Latest Style of 8hirts io different qualuies. | \\m\, of porceIain Teu Sets a Specialty Japaneso Lanterna and ronny Corio8 snitttble for CLrislxna8 Goods. 411 KING STKEET, .Tonolnlo. T«lf}>bonr8, Pfll 474. P.O. Poi 356. Muinal 544. n>>13 Im Criterion Saioon FFR AUSTRALIA. auotber Iuvoice of tLe celebrafed JOHN WE1LAND LAqEI| n Also, a Fbesh Invoice of L, fobV L. H. DEE, Proprictor. ,Sans Sauci ‘ Hūl’EL, WAIKIKI, HONOLCLD. -** -■>>. - * « % Firsf-C/ass Aeeommooa ■ tions for Fourists and lsJand Cuesfs SVP£RI0R BATWHG FACtUTIES. PHnie Cottag* a for FamUkS, • T. A. SXKPBO».