Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Pililaelekiia * «» OPER A HOi:SE, March 17, līonoiulu. HmmiiaM Islandx. M Tambo?.... C. H Coylo » T. Rn»mcv. i V (' N ) J. \owlaiKi i J P WeUh PKCKiRAMME —PART I Curtain R*i*r..'. ..~OM Kaek Joc* C.mijiany (Jjx?ning CboTUf... .Th- T. U. T.s.. P- M. Tr\-u;v S r i '... P>ilars P• < t. *• " Rvory T. ,.- ... W Th»nc Soog... .J 1 1 S >111 ;r .. . Hio- Aw»y ... . b • 1 N’ i ■ s g \ o W M H . V 1 • ** Song, .. .T .- K k;n£ Mul»' J H > ‘ l Son/. ...The M.>tUx-s T ,at Arv Kramod Upoo the 'Wall K CtVn \^ TalT au LiU rty Ealightening thc Woml I trr 1 1 of ('u •" -•.«'»> BT Pl_»«i>HlPs EANn. PAKT II The Ri>.» K- ur— I: tr*«tur:’ij S ana Pan<‘- - ..T. Roonev, J. WeUh. W. C. Can- n. K. O'NMll Colorvd Og. . ' H 1>ah,s Stump Sj*?Cv'h (-• H. t <>yle oi-l «*r j;inai Iri>h Hompipe as -, Charactcr S«>ng> r ‘ ,l!U Es- uc. of ()K1 Virginuy .T. \->w lan«i thc happy «• >n J. WeUh and G. F«»geūtn>m in Horizontal l>ar Pcrfonnanoe. Fv-ats in Slaok Rnpc Walkin* hy G. K --eistn«m Interval o/ ten - \irsic hy fl.\>;>h!P' b.vno. PART III. ConcIuding with the side splitting farce enthlcil. “ THE //.T E1 > IWV>E. ‘’ Ijandlord — having rooms t*« let W C. ( arson Patricius 0’Ca!!aghan looking for a homc.T. Koonw Jv tl Johuson a co!oro<l j>ors«»n (•H. (. oylo Mrs Jane knne 0’Hallit;an -looking f»r a homo I. Welsh Ghosts C. Adams nml C. C. Kane |y Tho Hawaiian Quintettc has heen cngaged; and in addition to tiie Band of the Klagshlp. The performance promiscs t«> l«c ,f -■ if t it not tht - l*c>t, given in Hont>lulu t«>r ycars. S do of Tickets will open at Mr. L. J. L« voy s (»N \VEDNESDAV, M «rch 14th. Curtain riso» at 8 o’eloek sharp.
LAM>S AT ACCTION. Bv virtuo of «n onlor issnetl bv the Coort throuph the Chief Tnstice. Hon. A. h- Tml<l. iu reptml to the l ;<o of ILLIAAI WATSON et al. «giinst D»v..l Wxtson, tliere will l*e soUl »t Puhlie Auction. at tho Auction! U.Kims of T unes F. Morg:»n tt 12 * o’eloek noon. on SATLR1>-VA A ri: '28. 1*94. All those pre- ; inis**s situate»l at K meohe. Koolaupoko, Oihu; antl more purtic*»l «rlv design«teil jis follows. to wit; Lt>T 1 3.80 -100 acres L*rx 2 4 -1 Lot 3 37 ‘ Lot 4 7.35 “ i All are {*arts <*f Royal Patont 174 tu Pnnl F. Manini. Lot 5 - ‘20 acrcs L‘*r 6 ‘20 “ !.‘>t 7 20 “ Lor 8 54.50 Lot 9 54 50 “ All are p»rts of those pretuis. « convevetl 1>V Kamehameha IN.i to DaT»d Walaon, bv »leetl »latKtl| Dec. *2t>. 1802. iin.l rec >rl**»l in Lil>er 16. p g»*s 127 aml 128 Tit!e perfeet. D*-etls at the e-spens.’S of the Purchasers. For further particulara apply t<> Wiluam C. AjCHT. Attorney for the ComiQVsstoner. or to S. M. KAAUK.AI. Com m i ss »oner Hooolole FeP. 23 18W. M(iimaci.irN xotk k. Ol’ l oKM I.UM 11» ., I* M(«rtan *ith th) j»rsK>>s* - f » rwttaia I.» < ‘Fl ■ rĒLt K-l l* h NAM AK V t SvMl IL C. I> *U5HT. Tre-U*. M IKiK <4 F tr ul. n«Mdri la L»*cr ‘ ______ II . », H. Mw » «>»»» *ir I3ie«r4* tā» MSM fc» n br<'k«a. fc* wU: l {wTarrsrt :* hkenw |{ik» lb.il 4.'’ff !l» «■t~<tr*l»>o <4 dsw* ,4 tKt* «Mi-e. rbr br .. { fc» ft<r W. u Ar.cu. ri, «I IV luiei 15. «-■« < JtM» V Moua». te ftf*>late, «■ jl< »Si>AV, rt«8ii <Ky«l i a sw» «* «wl bjFini»t j»a*>eaW> oa K fcn<4 *». C. AlHH. l!W»f •» U*. DOed U o tei«. F.-o- T. l*H SAMl iX C, l>ai*»aT. Tr«*e«f
Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTUALIA.” Another Invoice of th«. \\ orll Rcnowno<l FredL*rickslmnj; • Lioer Heei t On ilranght *od by thc keg. sj Also, as a Specialty. S MALL FRESH CAUF0RMA \ a KOH «* 0YSTERS. ( ()( ’KTA I K>2 lm
Lon^ Brancli BATH IN G Establishment. TLU First-cl Batbmg !W>rt h'» be«n ecl«rg«i «od i» do* ojj*jd to īhe poblic. It i» tb« : l**.t p!sc« oo lb« uUi$o>l‘» t« » b*th «nd thfre īh oo betlei pUee to Uv ofl Spx*i ial *cc*>ia1 m i >d*ti'-’n' for Udte*. Tnuac«f» paM the ti«M3r erenr bslf ho ?r «nd . oo >.itorvl»y*5 sdJ Suo>Uy» «rcr> SltefC i&iooU». C. J. SHERWOOD - Propri«tor. A * J Xoticei- i [ t| Dins» mj Im ik» 7 ; mj bro«S«r L£ - POl oI tlM hi» ol >«• D|\«« M-Jf L«b< K<» «a Ukie*. »h*li «ti lu* whe »>st Im)! (»>w >4 lliinn k.» & >V Jki V l E\ U(W M M r. IWM. «w Jl l«w
TW u«u<n ww«J tk» *«»i M' rt > jji tkt» ttfW ■ sn>ml »1 I-WkI >>l »Wi j, mmi *«>« «Ut*j *>*anb«* « t*»*l <* i*a~* V K rj»B, to «*- 4 t»«r • iy<»;«< -i»v i I*a- ; J fikint »JSSfiL m*J m 136, u|t ii i»Miui*4 *a w> k JI V <CO »rtv. WlU. * !*rt vi lto«» , r —m -* im mM to fc>f*i IW t. V>. 1»A L C—% ClX to K* U»>brfa>i ! r lUlkku: