Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 5 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Oeneral .Advortisements A VAST PROJKCT,] CO*START L'NE 0F SCHOOIEES—Aajle 055ortmitl ftr ALL Owing to Ocr CocstRnt’v Incre«giDg BosioesB »od the Great Demfcnd cf ao Ap|reci»tiog Commooitr, we h»ve coocloded to cffer ao opportoo ty to »11 parties haviog c*pitai.—OL*R LINE OF SCUOOXERS m»y be seeo glidiog over the Bar, fi lcd to their utmost carrying eapae ty, with CLEAR. COOI. asv LSVIGORATL\G Fred lxpSrt bura ? LAOEE- BEEE Attne “Anchor Saloon!” To accommodhte Oor Vast F ect of Scboooer8, we have built a Fine, L»rge Refrigerator, Regardless of Ccst. Tlie Is the only plaee where a Cool GIass of Fredericksbnrg Beer on draught ean bo bad in Honoluiu. Step forward Gentlemen uow is tbe time. NOTICE ! The Underelgned has Received from the Eastern Statea The Largest Single Order of BILLIARD MATERIAL Evor Importod to Ihe Islands. It Couclndes as Follows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cuos, ftssorted: Cushions, by Blook, pateut; Billiard Balls, composition and ivorv; Pool Balls. do., do. Tips, Chalk, Pocket Castings, with leathor and fringe, complete; Pocket \ettings, fringe aml leather; Rnbber Covers, Conrt Plaster, green »nd klaek; New Style Chalk Holders, Triangles, Shake Balls and Leatber Bott!es, Pool Pins, Markers. etc., etc. Tho above Gomls have been Pnrchased at Rednced Rutcs, and the uuders : goed is now prepared to do any and a11 Kiuds of HlLLl ARD TABLE WORK at reaaonable rates with disp»tch. Also new and second hand Billian.l ar.d Pool Tables Lr Sale. PK*ase Apply to J. P. BOWEX, Perry Block. Hotel St., Hono’.uln E. Mc(njy^e IMPOKTERS AND DEALERS IX Grroceries, 3 3 rovisions A\D Feed, EAST CORXER FORT& KIXG STS. New Ooods Rec’d By every P»cket from the E»stern SUtee »nd Emope. Fresh C»lilomi» Prodoee by erery ste»mer. All orders faithfully »ttended to, *nd Good» delivered to any p»rt of the city FREE OF C UAKt*E. OrderaJSolicited- |jS»ti»f»eiion Gu»ranteed. Pot« Ofice Box Ko. 146, Tel#phone Ko. 91