Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oeneral .Advertisements A TM CONSTANT LIKE 0F SCHOOKERS —Aiple OprtmitT ftr ALL Owing to Ocr Ccost&nt!y Iocreasing Busioes8 acd the Great Demacd cf ao Ap|reciating Commooitr f we have cooc!cded to offer ao opportooity to ail psrties haviog eapiUi.—OUR LINE OF SCUOONEE8 roiy be seeo glidiog over the Bab. fil!cd to their otmost carrymg capacity, with CLEAR, COOI- a>d Ll>VIGORATL\G Frcd l«port U ' 9 } L AGER BEEE At the 4 ‘Anchor Saloon!” To accoramodate Our Vast F'eet of Schooners, we have buiit a Fiue, Large liefrigerator, Regardless of C< st. T1ie “iinelioi,” Is the ooly j)lace where a Cool Glass of Fredericksbnrg Beer on āraugbt ean be had in Houolulu. Step forward Gentlemen now is the time. NOTICE ! TLe Unders : gned has Received froro the E8stern States Tlio Largest Single Ord.er of BILLIARD MATERIAL Ever Imported to the Islands. It CoucIudes as Follows; Cloth, 3 grades; Cues, assorted; Cushions, by Block, pateut; Billiard Balls, compositiou and ivorv; l‘ool Balls, do., do. Tips, Cbalk, Pocket Castings, witb leather and fringe, eomplele; Pockot Nettings, fringe aiul leather; Kubber Covers, Court Plaster, green and hlaok; New Style Chalk Holders, Triangles, Shake Balls and Leather Bottles : Pool Pins, Markers, etc., etc. The above Goo.Is have heen Purchased at Reduced Rates, aud the uuders’gued is now prepared to do »ny and all kinds of B1LLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates witb dispatch. Also new aud second band Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Plcase Apply to J. P. BOWEK, Peny Block. Hotel St,, Honolulu H- E. 8( B^o IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN G roceries, ī > rovisions AXD Feed, EAST CORN'ER FORTA KINT»SSTS. New Goods Rec’d By everv Paekei from tbe £astem States and £orope. Frosh California Produce by erery steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of ihe city FREE OF CHARGE. lslaud Orders Bolioitod. Satisfaoiioo Guarantoed. Poto Q&9* Ko. 1 i6, T«l«phon« Ko. M.