Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — CALLED DOWN. [ARTICLE]


A Massachusetts Blackguard Hebuked. The tlebate in progress in the ower House of Congress on the FI iw \īi:ia m.itter is not redoomlnp to tbe cre Jit of the Kepohlie*n meoibers of thūt body, who are asing tLe most insnlting an i nnpaeliameniao* lanpoape they ean inJ. Morse v f M,-.—'ichnsetts *ot ealleil vlown List MonJav for his ontrageoos talk an<l wa>compelleJ to apologize. The Democrats are witbont exception staiuling bv tbe coarse of Presulent Clevelrntl, an l Lis policy is becoming raore aml more appreciatevl as the light of trutb is thrown upou it. The Repablicans are inJalging in tbe most blatant jingoism, whiie all tbe reason aml arg :ment isonthe othersiJe. Boutelle of Ma’.ne, Johnsou of InJiana, Htt of Illinou anJ Morse of M issachusetts, are the leavlers of tue Republican s!vle in Jebate. while MeCreary of Kentacbv, Wheeler of AL<bama, Riyner of Marylan.l, anJ 0.ithwaite of OLio, bave ably npheU the aJminisiration. After some fruitless filibnstering bv Reed the House vote<l on WeJuestlay on tbe resolutions repor!ed by Chairman McCreary of t'ie Foreign Atfairs Comraittee anJ they were finallv aJopteJ by a party vote of 177 to 7ō. They ceusure Minister Steveas verv strong!y anJ corvlial!y approve the Presivlent's coarse in the Hawaiiun atfair. Boutelle’s resolutious whieh pnt the boot on the other ltg were then calleJ up anil ilefeateJ by a vote of 91 against 191. EvervboJy will be glaJ when the matter is settleJ anil Congross cm get down to quastions of gre iter importanee tothe conntry. TheSenate will Joabtless confirra tbe aeiion of the House, for eveu the anti-aJministration Sen itors among the Democrat,s are now cotnpelleJ to udmit that tlie poli cy of the President in Jealiag witb the Hawaiian imbrog!io was the ouly just and proper oue The umler-pinning has been knoekwl from nmler the Republicans at tempts to qoestion the wisdom and patriotism of the President, auJ he comes out of this as we preJict‘J that he wonU, with fiving colors. •» n The worJs for whieh Outhwaite of Ohio made Morse of Massachusetts apologize to the House are rem rkab e for two things They charactorize the temper of the Republiean opposition to President ClevelanJ's course in this question, anJ show how eompletely regarlless the Republicans aro of t ie priciples whieh they have pretemled to revere since the very birth of their party—a pretense whieh, as tLey show usnow.has been hollow nnd hypocritieal for mauy years. This very change whieh h s tome over tbe parties and whie' J Morsj thiuks so strauge is one of the goovl aml v*l!J rensous why :luriug the lust two decades the best men have left the Republiiean party.