Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iUST ARRIVED, * V B4BY • CARRIAGES 0F AI*L STYLLS, CAf\PETS. MATS. IN TIIE LA1T‘3T PATTEBNS. !|“HOUSEHOLD” Se\vino- Machines O Hakd Sewing Machdies, -VII With the Latcst Improvcnients'^3 PARLOR Organs, Cruitars. AnilJOthcrM isk-4il Iistniments, Wines, I.iquors, Beer AL VAVS o\ hand, axd F0I?y5ALī ||RY ED. HOFFSCRLA EGEK L C0. King ?t„ o 1510. Cn .t!e V Co*ik< Wing Wo Tai & Co. Xi>. '214 Nnu.uu St.*-t, C01M[v1ISSI0H f/IERPHANTS. Importers nnJ I»«il*-p. in GKS' L MERCHA SD1S£. Fine Manila C5gars, Cbinese and JapaneseCrock’rvw;;rr*. M <tt ng>, Vases of all ktnds. Cairphonrood Tronks. Ratt>n Chair.s. » Fme Assorti.ient of L)n- •» Jj**st Brands of Chinese aiid -iapaneao Teus of L.itest lm|Kirt-itions. lnspection of New GcmkIs Kospectfnlly SoiicitDi.l. Mutnal Tel. 260. P. O. Box i’>8. WO OHAK & Co. Mei-chnnt Tailor lKing 8treet, Tho iits’ Block. next door io'.lloiomna oOiee. All Sults Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STYLE. Clothes Itle.med ai*d Rr|>«ired. o ’ do27