Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — A Clumsy Liar. [ARTICLE]

A Clumsy Liar.

Snch eraiuent lawyers and jnrists as Cooley, ConJert and i 1 others, and historinns of the high ; rank of Jaraes SchonIer, have declared the legal and historical i evidence coraplete for the eonviction of 3Iinister Stevens npon the charge nf plotting ag&inst*t e Hnwmm,. Manarpliv. to -\v»hich he was accredited. Nothing at all is otfered by those who seem to overtnrn Mr. Blonnt’s report and conclnsions, save the bare assertions of Stevens, Dole and others who stand as it were, in the dock and corapletely couvicted by the affirmative evidence. Aud uow we have the testimony of a fellow uamed McCandiess given to the senate sub-committee. The report of what he asserted saysthat “he denied emphatica’ly that there ! was a collnsion between the eomraittee of safety and minister i Stevens. and deuied that Mr. Steveus had made anv proniise that conld be coustrned to : mean that he woold help tho committee. Had the troops not landed the resnlt, he said, would have heen the same although, Mr. McCandless admitted that, it might not have i been quite so easily accomplished. ’ This couvicts Stevecs, 1 Dole and u 11 the rest of the eon- 1 spirators of last Febraary of lying. They all affirm that there i - was a distinct onderstaoding between the American Minister and the eoaimieieo of safetv, that Stevens wonhl Iand marines, at a certain hour of a certain daj\ Also it is admitted bv them that Stevens told the conspiraators he would promptly aeknowletlge them as the government. whenever they sbonld get posses- j sion of the governmeat honse, | 1 archives, arms. barracks etc. The man McCandless is a lmd • witness for the oligarchy, be- « i canse he is a clnnsy lDr. He 1 shonld have sense enongh to: stick to tbe track marked ont ; ' by Stevens, Dole & Co., whieh j! : is to vehemently deay even-thing | < tbat makes agamst the unly j : sensib!e acd trntbfnl theory of 1 how the provisiona! government i w&s organized and throngh what ( forces. The admission of Mc £ Candless that it would “not have i been so 6msv” to bring the eon- i spiracy toahead wilhont Steveus’ 1 help comes very near giving the € whole eaae away. Stevens affirms I

- .... L " '*■ rT * ’ ~ i he Knded the troops ®olely to protect Americin c!t;zen3 *nd property on tbe isl-tnds. If this were trne and no c*ther cse w.i> made of the marines th*n the fnrnisbing of snch protection. thev coold bave been of no help to the provisonals- McCandIess virtual y admits that Stevens and themari .es were of essenliai help to the olignrehists — Cf- ittano>r*j-t Tiines.