Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 06, 8 January 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Advertisement.s JOBBER OF Wines. Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. between Fort aod Bethei ?*reete M. S. LEVY, * !REMOVED! To 513. 80BINS0» BLQCK. Hotel Slrset M. S. LEVY, Dry-;-&aads Store jan2 Holiday Tbe undersigoed beg leuve to eall the attention to a large ae sortment of tasteful uiul elegaut Jewelry, 3uitable for ChriatmaPresenta, ’iHawaiian | Flasr Fin» ia ditferent sizes. Hawaiian Je\velrv a specialty. If you want t<> bny an elegant anel «t th»i.sunie iime un inexpeusive ChriKtraa.s Present eall around and inspeot my sto«‘k. THOS. L1NI> SAY, " Mcln»-n>y Uloek, Fort 8t Hoaelulu .W1 tl Sans Sauci HŪTEL, WAIKIKI, HONOLILI. . a 3 s » First-C/ass Aeeommooations for Tourists and lsland Guests. I SuPER/Ok Bathwg Fac/uties. Private Cottayes for Fam/fieS T. A. SlMPSON. oct9 Mansger