Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 87, 30 December 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
[\Ve do not hoW onrselves responsihle for the opinions or the utterances of our correspondents.] Ei>itob Holomua: Charles Nelson a well aml favoiitbly known hack-driver tells us tbat he has been dismissed by Jim Caity an individual who under the anspices of W. G. Irwin is rnnning a haek business. The offense of Mr. Nelson was that he actually complied with the laws, rules. aud regulations under whieh haek Iicenses are granted andcarried iu h;s haek a promiuent Ko\-aIist. Mr. Carty r objects to Royalists using his (or whomsoever they may belong to) hacks and will only accommodate true Araericansfrom Tipperary, especially on uight service. I understand that the Royalist who caused the down fall of Nelson is Hon. C. W. Ashford. I desire to state that it is reported that the latest otiense in regard to the conveying of Mr. Ashford was — although I bardly ean believe it—doue in the day time. I do sympathize with Mr. von Carty. This is not the first time aNelson has fallen at the hands of a Frenchman. Tourist. Editor Holokua: Do yon remember ou the 17th of January last the rumor was all over Honolulu, that at 4 o’eloek the Station Hoose was to be taken by force? Thero was a special committee appointed to meet them. But nary a eome, and the hacks engaged have kept the Hoyalists in debt since. Comxittee. The brig Lurline carried over, from Hilo to San Francisco, about thirty cords of ferns and fifty tons of earth for Midwinter Fair purposes. The ferns were to be «sed as the basis for the grassbouses tliat are to form the Hawaiian village. The earth is from tbe volcano and was to have been osed in the reprodoction of that feature at the Fair. The ferns have nearly all been stolen by hnodlams and the earth has been cartud off in l*rge quantities and ¬her consignment is now necessary. The Corwin was passed by the Oeeanie on last Wednesday, the 27th. four days out. Ko eommanieaiion.