Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 49, 14 November 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]
The off;ce seekers have it seems made a joint move ngainst the government and are pestering the Ministers and high olficia!s with resolntionsand memori»ls. Sou ething whieh ca!ls itself the Americ»n Leapne itjd something ealle»! the eitizens r* serve besi*le.s the stale old Annexation Clnb. are determined “to tnrn the rascals out.” The patriotisro of these ‘ citizens’’ is really touching. It moves ns to t<*ars, to see the readiness with whieh these nature s noblemen show their willingness to serve this, their adopted conntry—for a salarv. Nothing is too small for these patriots. Pohcemen’s billets or clerkships or the musket are all alike to thera as long as an opportunitv is given them to serve Hawaii and —draw asalar\. We do hope that the ministers may bo moved by snch persistency and such nnselfishness aud give way to the plaintive howls of the Stai man ou behalf of the huugry fiock. We trust that the ministers will not turn a co!d shoulder to all the.se worthy “busted” shop-keepers and working men outof a job. and uottcll them that they are perfectly able to run their owu departments and attend to their owu business without auy snggestions resolutious, advices, memorials. yes, threata of the interestiug organizations whieh, by the way, all bave sworn allegiance to the P. G. It would be emel and it would be wrong That the civil service wouhl go to Hades if the mob of incompeteut aud ineflicieut patriots who claraor for boodle wero givon the offices they demand, g*>es without saying. Put what is that to Uiem! 1 Most of them have onlv boen a few raonths in the Country, and thev certainly don’t care a snap whai becomes of the government or the civil service of the eountry, as long as they are rewarded for their horoic detnl in attaching their names to the annexatiou clnb s roll, by getting their paws into to the public treasurv. By all means open the doors £or all these strangers and give them all the offices, from the registrar of puhlie accounts down to the messenger, demand no bonds of them, (because they eouhln t procure them), but turn the whole crowd loose among the millions iu the treasury. In a very short time the minister of finauee would uot ueed worry anv longer over the snrplus o* reserve fund or the interest on the debts, or any other thing of any importanco —because there would be nothing to worry over except the horror meui whieh woukl seize the whole government But joking apart, is it not about timo for all these boodle-seek-iug organ.zatious, nevcr mind nuder what name tliey nre kuown to tuke a tumble to themselves and understand lhat a ministry whieh has the confidence of
the revolntionaiy party cannot l>e dictated to by «mall factions of illiten»te, disgruntled soreheads. The present gOvernment counts among its members a )numl>er of wellmeaning, althongh according to our i*leas, mislead men. They h:\ve undoubtedly the welfare of Huwaii and the Huwaiians at heart «nd have never intended to run the j government for the benefit of j auv one or two f; ctious or nation- , alities. Bot the coustint importunity of the irre«ponsible element whieh —mark it woli —neither instigated nor carried out the revolution, but joined the for the time being winning party when ©vervtbing looked serene mnst be a s*»urce of deep £imoy•tnce to ihem. The leading lights in the aunexation club, who now demand this aiul demand that were uot very uumerous on the 17th of January. Where wero Hatch, McStocker, Walter Jones. Pratt, King aud others of the present leaders on the 17th' Perhaps some of the men who were around and shouldered a guu will urise and tell us. But tbe serious questiou in all this clamor for boodle, is that one of these days the rainisters will get tired and resign—and where wouKl we then be? Do the men who do the howling now believe that from their midstaman could be taken who eou’al fill the plaee of Sara Damon as miuister of finanee? A man who wonhl have the sr.fficient coufidence of the creditors of the government to stavo off an immediate demand for a settlement and who eoukl prevent a run on the Postal Savings Bank. If they have such a man, trot him out and let us have a look at him —Mr. Damon has advocated and followed out a very moderate and conservative course since he took office. We do not believe that he is very pleased at being minister of finance. M hat he considers a matter of duty has nudoubtedIy been the iropulse whieh has made him drag the chariot of the revolutionary government to a certaiu extent out of the financial mud, but we doubt if he, any more thauMr. Dole or Mr. Kiug, will be d : ctated to by any Tom, Dick or Harrv, be it their owu clerks or any stray loafers ont of a job down towu. Before they ca~rv things too far a little retlection will be advisable ou the part of the aune\ation club, tiie citizens. reserve, the Americau League and the rest of the boodle-seeking “j»atriots. ’ An Araerican citizen wntes to us in regard to the so-called American League, whieh lately has beeu organized as a secret society, There is something remaikahle, we will admit. in the presentation of an address to an American Minister by an anonvmous committee of something whieh calls itself an Amenean League. The best joke, thongh, is when the committee <>f one | hnstlōd back to the Legation to tell the Minister that the League had forgotten the most imj>ortant poiut in the address. whieh waa that they were dead against royalty and the coramittee (of one) desired to correct the terrible omission. Wbere is the oud going to be of tbis j»erfect farce? By the way, is the Leagne aware that there c»n be uo secret orgauization here acconling to our law, except with permission of
the Minister of Icterior and after the by-lavrs and offieer» of sach orpanizitiou have been registered in the Interior office? MeshouId , sū};>iest to our correspondent to make a eall at the Interior office and as certain who the anonymons officers of the Leagne are who paek addresses to the American Mmister in the uame of the Araerican in Hawaii-nei.