Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 31, 23 October 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£n$uranrr 3Utur5. MAMHE ĪNSTOANCE. The Um>ek>io»bd U authoriz«?d to take Marine Risks -ON Hulls, Cargoes, Fi*eis:hts and Commissions, at Current Hates in ihe following Companies, viz: Allianee Assurance Fire <j Marine, - Lonāon WUhelma of Mudgeburg Gen’l Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco .7. S. WALKKK, Agcnt tor Hawaiian Islands TELErHOSE8 : Bell 351 Mntaal 417. Residence ; Mntnal 410. P.O. Box 117. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor tf! Builder Ciiveu on .A.11 Kiuds OF Hlill'K. K, iīONE 4 WiN BULDINGS All Kmds of Jobbirrg in thc Building Trade, Attcnded to. KEEl J S KOR SAX.E: Briok, I iiue, Cement, Irou Stone Pipe ami Fittings, . Gld A New Corrugated lron. Minkm Tiles, yoarrv Ti!e<, assorteu sizes and colors; C«lifoinia anJ Monterey Sand, Granite Curhing and Blocks. ete.. etc. (Corner King <51 Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD: Office Hours, 8to ia M.. ( ito4P. M. Holomua ♦ Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISHERS OF THE ‘ HAWAIl • ♦ HOLOMUA," •X Jotirnal inaneil Daily, (Saud«y exeeptod) hk ttie English laugnage, and pledged in policv to sapport iie Rights »xp Previlec.es of the Uawaiian People, the •terests of the lal»onng meo. and good and bonest Governaeat for tbe nhole oounixy. JOB PR1NTERS lii B<x>ks and Job pRurrao neatly executed at short noiiee aud at moder\te 6gures. IULL HEADS, CARDS, 1J3TTER HEADS. POSTERS. etc.. Finii>hed in Fir»4-Cl»8fi «tyle. Uland Orders *olicited and prompUy fittended to. Orrtrr ; Thorras' Block, Kinp Street. Honolniu, H. I.