Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 7, 25 September 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Every Animnl ia ths P. G. rr.en:ip a rie is to rec«*ive a; er=onal invitation to the ball to-night. The steamers Clmdine, Waialenl<*, ī'v ilani, ar:d C. R. Bishcp, leave for their respective ports tomorr.»w afternoon. Tiie biggest fish on record is the Ono, eaught by Tooimy Cumiuins last Satnrday. He savs that the kahon.is fixed the line for him and settled Mr. Ono.

A littlo black pup, bolonging to Jim Sherwood at the Lnnf» O Branch B iths, disappeared last Satnrd»y. Mr. Shenvood wonld be very mneh obliged to any-one who will retnrn the puppy-and no qaestions will be asked. Chamjiion Oarsman Jao:es Stanbury. was a through pa3»enger by ihe stoa:aer U'arrimoo. Before ieavmg Vaneouver Sunbury gave aa exhib;iion raoe agaiost bis tr.;iner Alex. MeLean. During the Btay «if the stearner in this port yesterday,Stanbury took a spin around the harbor with the Healani boys. The Niūonal Band, gave an exeellent eoncert at San Souci last Saturday eveuing. A Iarge number of people visited that fav »rite bathing resort, and enjoyed the beautifol mo»nligbt and the fine music. After the con;ert was over, the young people did some dancing.