Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 2, 19 September 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Foreign Mail Serrice. Steafigh;p9 will !eave for an«i grrtre fro.ii Sm Pranci.«or>, on the f>ilowin/ duteg. tiil the eioee of 1893. Lcavc Hosotxxr I>rv a r Hosoi.ru: roa Sav FaA5ci9fT>. Fn. FRA$cnco Anstmli» Sept. 13 Warrimoo, from VanM*np*»sa, ,. .Sept. 21 conver. ,Sept 23 Oeeaoie Sept. 25 Alamed». . S>;pt. 28 Mioweia, for Van-Aastr&lsa. . Oet. 7 conv«-r. Oct. 2 Oeeanie . Oct. 17 Anstralis.. , ,Oct. l4Miow*-ra, fr>ni VanMonowai Oct 19 conver Oct. 23 Wanimoo, for Vau-Marinosa Oct. 2f> conver Nov. 1 Aoalmlia Xov. 4 China Xov. 6 Munowai... N’ov. 23 An«tralia ...Nov. 11 Wanimoo. frora Van.#rom thc \W\Ux-fxont Departures. TrE»DAV, Sept 19. Stmr C R Bishop, Le Claire, for porta on Oahn. Stmr Mikahala, Chaney, for Maui and Hawaii. Stmr Iwalaui, Freeman, for Kanai. Stmr eiaiuline, D.ivis, for Mani. Am bk All>ert, Gnffirhs, for San Francisco. PM88 China, Seabury, forYokohama and Hungkoug. Shipping Notes. Ths bktr,e Irmganl, finished discharging ber cargo of Laysan Islaud guano on Monday aft rn,>on. To-day Engine No. 2 was engaged for the pnrpoae of pnmping water into her hold to eleau it ont. She will load sngar f>r San Francisco. Tho bk'.ne S G Wilder will tiuish diacbarg<ng her cargo this ufternoon. She will alao take sngar to Sen Francisco. Foreign Vessels Expecled. vessels. where from. dne. Ambk Hnrvester S F (Hiio).. Ang 21 Am srhr RobtLewers. ,.S F Aug 25 Br sh Co of Menuneih. . N H W Sept 14 Am bktn Pianter S F Sept 18 Am bk Ceylon S F Sept 20 Jan ss Aikoku Mani Yokohama. Sept 22 RM ss Mariposa Anstralia.. ,Sept 22 Haw sohr J Q North. ...SF Sept 23 C A«s Wammoo \’anoouver. Sept 23 Haw bk Andrew W T elch.S F Sept 26 RMss AI \meda S F Sept 2J Am schr Tn\nsit S F Sept 28 Am schr Allen A Eureka Oct 1 Oiss Oeeanie 8 F Oct 17 D S Cmiser Charleston.. Oct — Am bk Martha Daris. ...Boston Dec 20